Little Luke "Skywalker"

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Happy 100th Anniversary!!

Finally, I reach my first 100th milestone in my humble blog.

"Happy 100th Anniversary" to Little Luke "Skywalker"!! (*fireworks in the background)

I guess this would be a good opportunity for me to take a walk down my short blogging memory lane. It's been about what? gosh! exactly three months since I started writing in this blog. Well, I actually started with a Jeff-Ooi-wannabe blog first a month earlier and gave that up officially before Merdeka after realizing that there is no way I can maintain two blogs simultaneously. Hence, I decided to do the logical thing and leave the social commentaries to Jeff Ooi and his gang while I concentrate on my little family blog.

Like many bloggers out there, I started with a Disclaimer to avoid being sued by George Lucas for using one of his movie's character's name, followed by a brief introduction of the what I am going to add into this blog. It was followed by the pilot, which was Little Skywalker's first birthday bash. Since then, I've decided to include more photos throughout my blog, and I did just that. I wonder if this will affect readers with a slower connection? If so, please blame it on TM for not making broadband connection available and affordable to everyone in the country.

Not every post I wrote was about Little Skywalker though, I have written on working attire, social commentaries, national issues, office politics, different type of workers and tips when going for a doctor's consultation. I also gave my humble but honest opinions on various issues like adoption and polygamy. Some daily dose of my personal experience in life do pops up now and then, namely life as SAHD, some shitty stuff, my experience with and multiple car accidents which happen within four days.

It's safe to say that almost 80% of everything I have written was inspired by Little Skywalker. Although I only started blogging since he is one year old (unlike James), but I guess it's better late than never. To make up for my misgivings, I have wrote an extensive 8+2 (two contributed by my dear wife, J) part series which I dubbed the "Skywalker Saga", which I (and my wife) narrated in details the hardship and bitter experience we went through throughout Little Skywalker's one week stay in NICU after he was born. If you (parents or future parents-to-be) have the time, please spend some effort to read through the entire "Skywalker Saga" which can be found in my sidebar.

The rest of my blog basically illustrated Little Skywalker's life as a young toddler. His first words, first step, first time at the children's playground, first outstation trip, first pasar malam outing, first time getting sick, his first swim etc. I have also posted an unfinished four part story on Little Skywalker's second Genting trip recently, I hope to finish it some day :P

Since blogging, I have learnt some new things regarding writing a blog. I have read many many blogs mainly written by parents, some funny people and some serious people. As you can see, I hope to have a comprehensive collection of links to all blogs regarding parenting and children in my side bar. I think as parents (especially first time parents), we are often confused about what is the best way to bring up our children and whether our children are normal like the rest of their peers. Through blogging, I've found out that almost every toddler goes through similar experience namely they fall down a lot, they mumbles in some strange language, they cry and yell during injections, they "tap" dance with music, they like to play with remote controls and mobile phones, they are entertaining us in their own way, they get sick once in a while just because some teeth is coming out etc.

Through sharing, J and I found out that we are doing just fine as parents. We know that we have given enough care and love to Little Skywalker, and we must also let our son learn and make his own mistakes (like falling on his face).

Some new stuff that I discover recently are of course about tagging/meme. I have also blogged a few times in mandarin, thanks to twinsmom's influence and her mandarin meme. I have never typed or written such a long piece in mandarin since my secondary school days. Thanks to her, I finally did it, and I am proud of it!

Lastly, I have also written about a little blogger's gathering I've been to recently. I must say, meeting with other bloggers (especially parents) are fun and exciting. I mean we read so much stuff written by another person, and all this while we remained anonymous (except for Jason, I think everyone can recognize him on the street). Is like you already knew the person for a long time, although you have not met them before. Kinda strange but exciting, don't you think?

I hope to thank Project Petaling Street for helping to market my blog when I first started blogging. Since last month, I have found out that almost 90% of my readers came by bookmark, unlike the first two months, where majority of them came through PPS. Anyhow, I will still be pinging PPS to attract more readers, especially readers who are younger than me and plan to settle down. To them, I have this to say, "it is not wrong to start a family at a young age, just make sure you do it with proper planning and of course, with the one you truly love".

I also liked to thank everyone for their support and advise during the period when Little Skywalker was down on high fever a couple of weeks ago. Without you kind and supportive comments, we would be very helpless and never knew more or less every child went through the same experience. I can never thank you enough for that.

Well, that's all for my 100th anniversary speech... hope I can continue blogging for another few thousand before I pass on to Little Skywalker (who may not want the word "Little" in front of his name by then) when he grows up.

Until then... hope you enjoy reading about him!!

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/05/2005 10:06:00 AM :: and invited 19 Blah(s):

19 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Buaya69, Blogger Annie, Blogger ZMM, Blogger ZMM, Blogger ZMM, Blogger Lazymama, Blogger Sue, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger domesticgoddess, Blogger Willwolf, Blogger Mumsgather, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Admin, Blogger Egghead, Blogger Jess, Blogger Egghead, Blogger Wuching, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...
