Little Luke "Skywalker"

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


上星期六, 我和老婆难的有机会去拍拍拖. 这多谢了一位从怡保来的同事. 她送了我两张"縱貫線之大马演唱会"的入场券. 然而, 美中不足的是我们的快乐似乎建筑在他人的悲伤上. 她老公很不辛的患上了鼻腔癌, 需要入院治疗, 所以不能去看. 唉! 希望他能早日康复...

话说回头, 我和老婆连晚餐都来不及吃, 差不多六点半就到了武吉加里爾博特拉体育馆(还不是为了避塞车和霸个好车位). 我们随随便便在门口的肥仔滷滷吃了两三根便入场入座了.

等了差不多一个小时, 看了无数篇的广告过后, 演唱会总算序幕了. 台上站了位白裙女生, 大灯都专著在她身上. 原来她是一名叫 Yuki 的女歌星, 是演唱会的表演嘉宾. 一首"驼鸟"唱完后, 现场的气氛就开始转变了.

一幕一幕的开场片段之后, 四位天王级的"音乐顽童"终于登场了! 除了張震嶽是鼓手之外, 其他三位(羅大佑, 李宗盛, 周華健)都手抱吉他. 四位(四代同堂)以他们乐团(縱貫線)的新歌《鄉親父老》和《公路》为现场观众热身. 气氛真的是高(high)到了顶点! 过后就是一连串的組曲(鹿港小鎮+分手吧+我終於失去了你+愛相隨+亡命之徒).

四人合唱后, 接下来就是个人独秀时光了...

-唱了《當愛已成往事》就已拿下眼镜擦眼睛. 是泪是汗只有天知地知了!
-其他歌曲: 《凡人歌》,《鬼迷心竅》

-Hip-hop族, 热裤和T-shirt装扮
-其他歌曲: 《Rock Star》,《愛情你我他》,《自由》

-歌曲: 《飄來飄去+《穿過你的黑髮的我的手》+《為你我受冷風吹》+《怕黑》、《難念的經》、《有沒有那麼一首歌會讓你想起我》

-歌曲: 《美麗島》+《愛人同志》,《你的樣子》,《天使的眼淚》,《光陰的故事》

縱貫線 (次回合)


经过三小时的摇滚乐后, 我们俩才开心及满足的离去...


Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 8/04/2009 11:37:00 AM :: and invited 1 Blah(s):

1 Blah(s) by: Blogger Wang Tai Tai,

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Little Jack is ONE!

Today, our Little Jack turns ONE!
  • His character is similar to Little Luke
  • He is very close to his grandfather than anyone else
  • He rarely laugh (except if you give him a taste of your food)
  • He starts walking at about 9 months (even before he can stand by himself)
  • He put up a serious face all the time
  • He is definitely not a pushover
  • He likes to watch TV with Little Sean
  • His favourite TV shows are Wiggles and Cars (The Movie)
  • He dislike being wrapped up in his car-seat
  • He is very prone to flu problems (this adds to his mother's guilt of only breast-feeding him six months)
  • He enjoys going out in the stroller with his grandfather every evening
  • and a million other things we love about him...
We celebrated his birthday last Sunday... and we only wish for his good health!

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/12/2009 12:20:00 PM :: and invited 5 Blah(s):

5 Blah(s) by: Blogger chanelwong, Blogger Sasha Tan, Blogger michelle@mybabybay, Blogger Jess, Blogger Lizhen,

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Monday, July 06, 2009

Little Luke is Five!

Today, our Little Luke turns five!
  • He has been the perfect son that anyone could have for the first three years, and a little more than naughty for the past two years.
  • He is the smartest (and that includes the most cunning) among his siblings.
  • He is always annoyed all the time.
  • He learns quickly and therefore is easily bored.
  • He likes to kick his younger brothers.
  • He can never sit down quietly for more than 1 minute.
  • He loves company and hates being alone.
  • He is outgoing and likes socializing with people.
  • He can always sense weakness in people (especially his parents).
  • He takes his medicine with little persuasion.
  • He never holds grudges.
  • He is really really forgetful!
  • He is very generous (he gives away his stationary to his classmates all the time)!
  • He is the perfect type of Big Brother anyone can expect to protect his younger and weaker siblings!
  • and a million other things we love about him...
J and I hope our harsher upbringing of him will be enough for him to shoulder the responsibility of being the eldest boy in the family.

Happy Birthday boy!

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/06/2009 10:15:00 AM :: and invited 3 Blah(s):

3 Blah(s) by: Blogger chanelwong, Blogger michelle@mybabybay, Blogger LHS,

Blah Something...


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Little Sean is Two!

Today, our Little Sean turns two!
  • He has been the perfect son that anyone could have for the past two years.
  • He always put on a big smile and gives me a hug everyday without fail (when I come back from work).
  • He is happy all the time.
  • He is constantly spreading joy to everyone.
  • He can play with his toy without any supervision.
  • He is obsessed with cars!
  • He loves to watch the movie "Cars"!
  • He doesn't mind the constant harassment by his older brother.
  • He never bullies his younger brother.
  • He listens and obeys almost every instruction.
  • He sits in his own car seat (with seat belt on) quietly.
  • He loves pointing to cars on the road and say "Car car!"
  • He is the exact opposite of his elder brother :P
  • and a million other things we love about him...
We celebrated his birthday last Sunday...

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 6/10/2009 08:10:00 AM :: and invited 5 Blah(s):

5 Blah(s) by: Blogger michelle@mybabybay, Blogger Jess, Blogger chanelwong, Blogger jazzmint, Blogger Debbie Y,

Blah Something...


Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Not A Dull Moment

Last Friday, J and I both took leave to attend our first Parents-Teachers Day at Little Skywalker's kindergarten. We chose to miss the last session (end of last year) as he was only enrolled for 2 months. This time around, we get a chance to learn how he did in his exams, and more importantly, how he behaves in the classroom.
A little background on Little Skywalker's journey to kindergarten. We enrolled him to a newly opened kindergarten early last year. It was a tough 2 months as he was really reluctant to get up in the morning and refused to go. His attendance was at best 3 days in a week. We decided to call it quit in March before he cultivates a lasting fear of going to school. It was still one year too early back then.

Then came September 2008, J and I decided to give him another go at a different kindergarten. We started off the right foot as we were invited for a Mooncake Festival party at the kindy prior to his first day at school. The party managed to change his attitude towards going to school. He came to think school as a fun place to be. It was almost smooth sailing from then on (although he experiences Monday blues from time to time).

Speaking of exams, we decided not to pile any pressure on Little Skywalker. We did not even wanted him to know what exams are really about. We just let him get on with his daily homework and activities (although my parents did helped him to do some revision) a week prior to his exams. We even brought him to Genting a day before his exams started.

Basically, we wanted to know if he managed to learn enough in school to help him pass his exams. We weren't quite bothered about anything else as he seems to be able to finish all his homework by himself with little help. In fact, he tends to be slower if others try to "help" him. He tends to talk and ask a lot of unnecessary stuff when others are at his side. I have to remind J time and time again not to "coach" him on his school work.

Coming back to the original topic, we brought Little Skywalker to meet his teacher last Friday morning. We were quite lucky as most of the parents had their sessions much earlier and we did not have to wait. A jolly and friendly Indian lady waiting in his classroom greeted us and invited us (along with #2) to have a seat at those tiny little chairs meant for the 5-year olds.

To start off with, Ms Josephine handed Little Skywalker's "report card" and a file containing all his exam papers. Little Skywalker was his active self around his teacher. He kept running around the school looking for his favourite teacher, Ms Judy (who was in another session in a separate classroom) while we talk to Ms Josephine.

Ms Josephine began by telling us how "lively" Little Skywalker was in the classroom (not surprisingly). She told us that Little Skywalker always like to "hide" under the table looking through his bag. He was the most talkative student in the class compared to his peers. He would be flipping through the pages by himself when everyone else was reading. At first, she thought he did not know how to read. But when Little Skywalker was asked to read alone, he surprised her!

On his classroom antics, Ms Josephine relayed one funny incident that happened in the classroom. Little Skywalker was "busy talking" to his friends while class was in progress. She called out to him for attention. To her surprise, he replied with an annoyed expression on his face "Whaaaaat?". All of us did not know whether to laugh or cry over the story. Anyway, we told her that he does not behave any differently in school than how he does at home.

On his results, he did surprisingly well in all his papers (straight As, LOL!), especially with mathematics. We were surprised that his weakest subject was Mandarin, as his spoken language is 60% Mandarin at home. The teachers were not worried about his grades. We were told his performance was on par with other students in his class. Anyway, we were just happy he did not "fail" anything.

Despite his "mischievous" antics in the classroom, he remains a joyful and active boy in the eyes of his teachers. Ms Judy's left us with a heart-warming remark "The class would certainly be dull and boring without him"...

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 6/02/2009 08:16:00 AM :: and invited 0 Blah(s):
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Friday, May 08, 2009

Swiss-Garden Golf Resort & Spa Damai Laut - Beach Fun

The beach at Damai Laut was clean, beautiful and sandy. #1 always love to play with the sand along the beach but #2 prefers his feet dry and clean. He made some noise when we took his slippers off. Anyway, I got him to accompany (the lazy) me relaxing on the wooden beach bed...

To be continued...

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 5/08/2009 11:03:00 AM :: and invited 0 Blah(s):
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