Friday, October 28, 2005
Balik Kampung!!

I also wish to take this opportunity to wish everyone a "Happy Deepavali" and "Selamat Hari Raya"!
p/s: please drive safely as I hope to see you blogging after the holidays! and try not to get caught by traffic police for speeding!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/28/2005 11:46:00 AM :: and invited 15 Blah(s):

15 Blah(s) by: Buaya69, LHS, shiaulin, Sue, domesticgoddess, Annie, King's wife, Willwolf, ZMM, , Loc Kee, , , Egghead, 1+2mom, Share
摩登n字经 (Rap版本)
记得小时候, 由於蛋头我的父母是接受西方教育, 再上一辈的又是文盲, 所以我根本就不知道何为"三字经". 上小学之前, 我所阅读的书籍都是以英语书写, 唱的童谣也是鬼佬的杰作. 我第一次听到"三字经"是当我去我女朋友(也是现任的妻子)家拜访的某一次. 当时, J的表妹们在客厅里念念有词... "人之初, 性本善, 性相近, 习相远...". 我听了过后还误以为是我岳父在教她们念"佛经", 便请教了J. 善解人意的J拿了一本"三字经"给我阅读. 那已是几年前的事了...
我阅读了"三字经"好几遍, 好不容易才了解了其中的意义, 当然不能说是完全了解. 回想起来, 当初J的表妹也只不过是二至七岁, 难道她们真的了解其中的含义吗? 这种教学方法就好比教导幼稚园和小学生唱国歌一般, 难道他们又会真正了解其歌词的意义吗? J目前也正在寻找各式各样的英语童谣来教'小行空者', 近来他越来越会唱歌了.
今天早上驾车来工作的时候, 收音机就播放了一首我认为十分适合小孩子的摩登n字经. 这首歌好比"三字经"耐唱和耐听多了. 等小'行空者'懂得说一口流利华语(加一点福建语)和英语的时候, 我就会教他'烈朴' (rap) 吧!
摩登n字经 - 子曰 (卜学亮主唱) - 蛋头稍微改编
仁的表现是 己欲立而立人 己欲达而达人
己所不欲 他勿施于人
如以仁为本体 表现在具体的行为上
Come on everybody 一起来
对父母为孝 对兄弟为悌
对朋友为信 对国家为忠
搞得懂就答人 没有人懂
Come on everybody 一起来
要懂得推理 要心存怀疑
要充满好奇 要钜细靡遗
Oh! My God
我听不懂 看不懂 学不懂 都不懂
究竟谁对谁错 人生多美 爱情多痛
Please Tell Me Please
Help Me Help Me Babe Oh!
有了车子 想要房子 有了妻子 想要马子
有了银子 想要位子 有了位子 拿了架子
搞了圈子 使了性子 铁了胆子 忘了老子!
什么原因 谁人会知 (这句以福建语唱)
先管面子 再管里子 先填肚子 再补脑子
先端架子 再A 银子 先兜圈子 再想点子
先捅篓子 再找路子 先出乱子 再闪条子!
这款人生 敢有未来 (这句以福建语唱)
搞栋房子 搞一辈子 停个车子 一推单子
挑个担子 叫破嗓子 凡夫俗子 没有法子
卷起袖子 迈开步子 半个傻子 一条汉子!
何必怨叹 这个时代 (这句以福建语唱)
撇撇轮子 串串门子上上馆子 补补身子
碰碰钉子 找找乐子 想想法子 混混日子
照照镜子 刮刮胡子 打打拍子 哼哼曲子!
阮嘛共款 逍遥自在 (这句以福建语唱)
一间房子 两床被子 三面窗子 四张椅子
收起爪子 拉开帘子 嗑嗑瓜子 想想点子
打着拍子 唱着曲子 两把刷子 好过日子!
轻轻松松 笑笑咳咳 (这句以福建语唱)
先打底子 再摆摊子 先看例子 再拿耗子
先照镜子 再讲面子 先插旗子 再给样子
不管汉子 还是鬼子 不管老子 还是小子!
脚踏实地 才有未来 (这句以福建语唱)
孔子孟子 老子庄子 男子女子 黑子白子
游子浪子 胖子瘦子 正人君子 梁上君子
天王老子 毛头小子 天之骄子 孤臣孽子!
大家共款 拢是人才 (这句以福建语唱)
不当俗子 不做判子 不干头子 不当痞子
不充胖子 不装样子 不耍性子 不搞圈子
不扣帽子 不抬轿子 不卖关子 不碰钉子!
欢乐人生 逍遥自在 (这句以福建语唱)
- 歌词来源
如何? 押韵搭配也不错吧! 旧时代已去, 新时代已来. 是时候更新下一代的思想了!
来吧! 爸爸妈妈站起来! 大家一起跟我(和阿亮)一起 RAP!
p/s: 你可按此处观赏 Flash 版本的以上歌曲 (超级慢!), 或点此处下载mp3版本 (利用 Save Target As... 方式下载)
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/28/2005 09:45:00 AM :: and invited 6 Blah(s):

6 Blah(s) by: domesticgoddess, LHS, Sue, shiaulin, Allyfeel, , Share
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Shame On The Society!!I read this, and subsequently it lead me to this on the newspaper. After that, I felt truly ashamed of being a part of our local society (yeah! sad to say that you are part of it as well). No offence to Muslims readers and their religion (especially it is the Holy month now), I am appalled by the so-called "moral guardians" as well as our local police force who is trying to do everything in their might to humiliate the said young woman.
Nobody is a Saint here! Everyone makes their own mistakes. Some mistakes are bound to be serious than others, and some lead to unforeseen birth of innocent child (as the above case). Religion laws aside, but aren't we forgetting who is the biggest victim here? It is not the society values, it is not the poor young lady, IT IS THE BABY!!
The baby being born out of wedlock is still a baby. She has no idea that she was born "illegally". She did not choose to be born into an ugly society like ours. And she definitely did not deserved to be looked down upon by hypocrites like us! She is a child, a blessing from God to anyone lucky enough to have one. If her mother cannot afford to give her ample care and love, I am sure someone out there are willing to do so. The little soul does not have to bear the consequences of some mistake committed by her parents (or in this case her parent and a complete coward). The little soul does not have to live in shame among the society just because she did not have a father's name on her birth certificate. And more importantly, the little one deserves love and care just like anyone else!
I think we need to take a moment to reflect on our own conscience. Have we ever make mistakes throughout our lives? Just because our mistakes is not as serious as hers (that is another hypercritic comparison), does it gives us the right to cast the first stone?
It is not the KLIA, KL Tower or even the KLCC that bring our country towards a developed nation. It is not how much academic performance or how many Nobel prizes awarded to our people that show we are indeed developed people. There is great shame in claiming "Developed Nation" when our society are judgmental, unforgiving and hypocrites!
This post was done out of rage after reading the above two links. I meant not to offend anyone or any religion for that matter, but to remind everyone that we are human after all, we make mistakes from time to time. It is the ability to forgive that seperates us from animals and make us great!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/27/2005 11:38:00 AM :: and invited 7 Blah(s):

7 Blah(s) by: Willwolf, , Buaya69, , jazzmint, ZMM, Egghead, Share
A Not So Proud Member!!

A little background, the club or clan or gangster group or whatever you call it was founded by that ham sap fella I came to know a few months back (after get attracted to some sexy photos of whom I thought was his wife!). It is an exclusive club and membership is based on invitation or recommendation by a fellow board member only. However, we do "look the other way" occasionally if you are willing to "convince" us with certain gifts (preferably cash, playboy magazines, posters of baywatch models etc). You'd even have go go through a few stages of exams in order to qualify for a FULL membership! It's members are currently comprised of perverted but married guys (most of them already has kids) and still has a passion for sexy
The board members (including myself, him, him and him) just had our first meeting yesterday (via MSN to save cost). The
You can see this as a marketing stint for a new club in town! Since you (and I meant all you SAHM and working mummies, including some young adults) gave your comments heavily in entries such as this and this. I
For all the dadies who happen to catch this (I meant only those who are of the same nature), you can forward your application to me or anyone of the board members mentioned above. We will review your applications (as well as your contributions to the club) and give you a reply within 14 working days. Please don't bother to apply if you do not have any contributions or if you are gay :P
Remember our club's moto: NO LAUBEHHIUT... NO TALK!
p/s: the minutes of the board meeting baru posted by Buaya this morning... and he forgot to include the timetable pulak :P
p/s 2: now only I realized that I am known as octopus (can raba here and there one wor) pulak... shit!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/27/2005 10:08:00 AM :: and invited 9 Blah(s):

9 Blah(s) by: Buaya69, Loc Kee, Willwolf, Wingz, Sue, , ZMM, Egghead, Babysmooches, Share
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
PD Trip - The Other Pool

After 15 minutes of "playing with myself", there was only the black eight ball left on the table. I carried Little Skywalker and put him on the table. Then I taught him to play pool by pushing the last ball down the pocket. Below is a step-by-step illustration on teaching a one year old to play pool. Maybe you should teach your babies, but don't get them addicted, as it is a costly game :P
Step 1: Height check, unless your one year old is 4-5 feet tall, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Sit him on the table, align the ball nicely, take aim!
Step 3: Shoot, pull back, and wait for the impact!
Step 4: Make sure all the balls (screw the rules!) make the pocket!
Step 5: Raise the cue stick, look at the camera and say "Jedi Rules!"
Or, you could just...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/26/2005 04:17:00 PM :: and invited 10 Blah(s):

10 Blah(s) by: , Babysmooches, , Willwolf, Sue, littlegirl, domesticgoddess, Nancy, ZMM, Egghead, Share
PD Trip - The Pool

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/26/2005 08:55:00 AM :: and invited 10 Blah(s):

10 Blah(s) by: jazzmint, Lazymama, Sue, Buaya69, ZMM, , , Annie, , Egghead, Share
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
HOT Stuff On The Beach
p/s: I heard Buaya69 was at PD the same time we were there... maybe he got lucky!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/25/2005 02:13:00 PM :: and invited 13 Blah(s):

13 Blah(s) by: ZMM, Lazymama, Annie, Babysmooches, Sue, , Peek@BoOoh, Egghead, jazzmint, Buaya69, , Willwolf, Egghead, Share
Monday, October 24, 2005
PD Trip - The Beach
Since the main reason that we came was to join Little Skywalker is so that we do not miss his first time on the beach, we decided to bring him to have a walk along the beach. As soon as he heard the words "gai gai" (mandarin for going for a walk), he walked to the front door and waited for us to help him with his shoes. J took him back into the room to change him before going down. He immediately started yelling and yelling, as if we tried to bluff him.

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/24/2005 04:20:00 PM :: and invited 12 Blah(s):

12 Blah(s) by: Che-Cheh, ZMM, jazzmint, Sue, , Egghead, Lazymama, , LHS, , Egghead, YBrat, Share
PD Trip - The Accomodation

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/24/2005 01:50:00 PM :: and invited 8 Blah(s):

8 Blah(s) by: shiaulin, , Buaya69, Lazymama, LHS, ZMM, Sue, Egghead, Share
Jason Is Sick!!
This is a blogsphere community message...
I just received the following SMS from that mumbling Jason while I was blogging about my PD trip:
Help me blog this... (followed by username and password)... I'm sick, seriously sick. no blogging until I have recover and back 2 Malacca.
After reading this... I, together with Twinsmom's help, did this as a favour to him!
I am guessing he is having "stomach overloading" syndrome from all the food he consumed throughout his few days stay at KL last week. I liked to say "Told you so!", but I think he already got the message by now :P
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/24/2005 01:40:00 PM :: and invited 5 Blah(s):

5 Blah(s) by: , , ZMM, Unknown, Egghead, Share
Why We Went...
Since I need quite some time to read through all your weekend posts, I'll be writing mine later. Meanwhile, hope you enjoy this photo of Little Skywalker, which is the main reason why we sort of "decided" to join him at PD. It's another First in his list of milestones.

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/24/2005 08:55:00 AM :: and invited 3 Blah(s):

3 Blah(s) by: , ZMM, Egghead, Share
Saturday, October 22, 2005
There Is Something About Her
After "that", I was quite sound asleep. I got up (probably from a mosquito bite) a while later and found that my wife is missing. Not something you discover everyday, huh? The lights outside the room was on, I figure that she went to the toilet for her night pee. Checked the bathroom, she was not there either. However, I heard some "woooooooo.." sound coming from downstairs (where the lights were on as well). Only then I figured that she was vacuuming the floor.
As a "caring and loving" husband, I went down to see what's going on. As soon as I saw her, "So, are we going or not?", she asked. I guess all you women (or maybe it's just her) do the same thing when asked to make a decision, right? She pushed me to decide so that she can pack the luggage before going to work today morning. Well, you might think that I took the bait. But I didn't. I still left it up to her to decide. I went back to bed after that.
This morning, I went to pee (this thing is contagious, I never pee when I sleep before I got married) around 5am. After coming out of the bathroom, I jump back up to the bed, hoping to caress her a bit before I started to snore again. And guess what? She was not there! Oh man! This is starting to get frightening! I was also starving since we did not eat any supper the night before. As I was walking down the stairs, I heard noises coming from the TV! You know, the "eeeeeee..." sound you hear when you TV was switched on but the Astro was not.
I saw her expressing milk (using the pump) in front of some guys playing tennis on TV. "So are we going?", there's that question again! I held it in and told her to decide on this. Then I asked her to make me coffee so that I can have a snack. We continued watching "Everybody Loves Raymond" after that. Throughout the show, I have been shot at with the same question over and over again. But, I still shielded myself :P
It was almost 7am. J went up to pack her stuff after my slight intervention. I told her to pack anyway as it wouldn't hurt to be prepared, just in case she "decides" to go ahead with the PD plan. She ran happily up stairs, pack her stuff, pack even more inflatable stuff for Little Skywalker, pack the cameras and pack our swim suits as well. The only thing she didn't do, was to actually decide whether we are going or not.
I guess that "simple and yet rocket science question" must be frying J's little brain out. She kept reminding me to pack my stuff before I dragged her up the car so that we can go for breakfast before she is late to office. She complained about being tired in the car (with the no-sleep and all) and I asked her, "Why didn't you ask for a MC and we will be at PD already!". She replied, "Why didn't you said it earlier, I could have stayed up all night so that the doctor will believe me!". (FYI, she slept from 10pm to some time before 5am) Even as we headed back to the car after our quick breakfast, she tried restlessly to pull open the door of another car (similar car and paint color, but different car plate number, DUH!), while I was walking to our car parked a few parking lots away!
Let's analyse this. Since I throw in the suggestion of "joining our son at PD's plan" yesterday, J has tidied up and vacuumed the house. Those are the chores that I
A bright and good-looking (*ahem) husband like me, are made to see through her decision. You see, women are not used to making decisions (oh! maybe is just her). I don't blame her for that, as she is good with managing our family finances, made sure that I have clothes to wear to work, made sure Little Skywalker poops everyday. But when it comes to "BIG" decisions like this, they try to make our (man) life miserable by asking us to decipher their action and words.
Although she has not officially made up her mind, I guess I have to go back and pack my stuff! My good bet is, we should be at beaches playing with Little Skywalker by this evening. So, expect more of our pictures on Monday folks!
p/s: "Is there a rabbit farm there? or was it a ostrich farm?" - the latest question from her. Go crack the code, guys!!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/22/2005 09:22:00 AM :: and invited 11 Blah(s):

11 Blah(s) by: sqkiki, , Sue, mama2jojo, , , Loc Kee, Lazymama, ZMM, Buaya69, Egghead, Share
Friday, October 21, 2005
The Dead and The LivingWith demise of our first lady, I begin to reflect on my life as well. In fact, I always reflect on my life whenever there is a death in my family or someone I know. The same conclusion that I always come to is that life is getting more and more fragile with the advancement of mankind. As far as I can see, there are far more ways we can get ourselves killed than a few hundred years ago, when people are living off fire wood, eating natural unprocessed food and treating the ill with herbs and prayers. Since we can practically do nothing much about it, we might as well live with it and cherish ourselves and our loved ones while everyone is still alive.
Since our first lady died of breast cancer, I think I will write a bit on the disease. I've even watched a talk show on TV yesterday evening, with a couple of oncologist and tumor specialist as guest speaker, answering public enquiries on the said disease as well as cervix (uterus) cancer. Talking about efficiency huh?
According to the second report of the national cancer registry on cancer incidence in Malaysia throughout the year of 2003, female breast (31%) and cervix uteri (12.9%) are the top two most frequent cancer diagnoses in Malaysian females. Both diseases actually contributed to half of all female cancer patients in the whole country. On a side note, lung cancer (13.8%) is the most common cancer among males in the country. A further analysis based on ethnic variation shows that females from all races are equally (30%) vulnerable to breast cancer. Chinese females are relatively more (14.3%) vulnerable to cervix uteri cancer as compared to Indian (11.5%) and Malay (9.8%) females.
From the age analysis, we will see that females suffering from breast cancer are mainly from the 15-49 (38.9%) and 50-69 (31.5). As you can see, breast cancer attacks females from teenagers to elderly. They account for almost 70% (or 3467 reported cases) of all cancer incidence that was diagnosed for Malaysian females in 2003 alone. As for cervix uteri cancer among females, the numbers are about a third of breast cancer.
FYI, there are various ways to detect breast cancer. As a common guideline, woman should perform a breast self-examination (BSE) at least once a month. If you do not already know how to do it, you can consult your doctor, nurse or mammography technician. Otherwise, his multimedia demonstration of BSE will provide step-by-step instruction in BSE using animation and voice-over audio clips. All mothers and female readers are encouraged to learn about this.
If the result of BSE reveals any abnormalities, you might be advised by doctor to undergo a mammogram, which is a special x-ray picture of the breast. A specially trained physician called a radiologist reads the mammogram to see if any suspicious areas exist. Routine mammography screening appears to reduce breast cancer mortality by approximately 25%. You can read more about breast cancer here.
Since J and I became parents, we are more concerned about our health as well as Little Skywalker's health. While we may concentrate more on our son's health condition, we did not forget our own healthy as well. As a habit, I encourage J to take blood test at least once a year to check for abnormality even though we are not showing symptoms of any kind of illness. Apart from that, I also
We mourn the death, we move on, and concentrate on the living...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/21/2005 12:30:00 PM :: and invited 6 Blah(s):

6 Blah(s) by: ZMM, Babysmooches, ZMM, Sue, , Egghead, Share
And Off He Goes Again...
About a month ago, Little Skywalker went to Genting with my parents for three days. It was the his longest separation from his parents. He managed to cope with everyone very well and did not make any unnecessary fuss throughout the entire trip. In fact, he did not need to suck on anything but a few sip of water before he goes to bed. The same cannot be said when he is back with us.
Yesterday evening, my parents told me that they like to bring Little Skywalker with them to yet another trip. They will be heading to Port Dickson this time around. It seems that my uncle (a Professor at Tenaga University), had booked some rooms at the TNB Condominium resort and have invited my parents (along with Little Skywalker) to go along. J and I have given it some thoughts before we agreed. Since J is working on Saturday (but she is having a public holiday today) and I am working today, we cannot accompany him along. Sigh!

Anyway, Little Skywalker will be leaving with my parents this afternoon. He won't be back until Sunday afternoon. J and I will be having the whole weekend to ourselves. However, if we cannot stand the separation, we might head to PD on Saturday afternoon, after J's office hour.
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/21/2005 09:40:00 AM :: and invited 8 Blah(s):

8 Blah(s) by: ZMM, , Babysmooches, , shiaulin, King's wife, Sue, , Share
Thursday, October 20, 2005
May Endon Rest In Peace!
Our dear first lady, Datin Paduka Seri Endon Mahmood has passed away this morning at 7.55am, according to Bernama.
May God bless her soul...
If anyone wishes to post their takziah to Pak Lah's family, you can do so here.
Go to Jeff Ooi's site for further update on her funeral...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/20/2005 09:09:00 AM :: and invited 5 Blah(s):

5 Blah(s) by: ZMM, , King's wife, , Egghead, Share

Don't be too surprised, as he loves to play with switches. However, we are not stupid enough to let him stick his fingers into one. He actually got a tiny dose of electrical shock from the electric racket thingy that I bought when I declared an all out war against mosquitoes a month ago. He must have pressed the button while having one of his finger on the "net" and stung himself.

It was partly my fault as I left the "weapon" on the cushion so that I can reach it easily once I spot any blood suckers flying about. Normally I would have left it at a higher place that is not accessible to Little Skywalker, but I was in a hunting mode and was waiting for those suckers to reappear again after they disappeared from my sight when I went looking for the "weapon.
Lesson learnt... for Little Skywalker and his dumb parent!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/20/2005 08:54:00 AM :: and invited 12 Blah(s):

12 Blah(s) by: Sue, Lazymama, ZMM, domesticgoddess, , , Unknown, , jazzmint, shiaulin, Peek@BoOoh, Egghead, Share
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
How Ramadan Changes Me...As most of you already know (duh!), almost the whole of October is Ramadan month. To the Muslims, eating, drinking and sexual intercourse are prohibited between dawn and sunset. During Ramadan, Muslims are also expected to put more effort into following the teachings of Islam by refraining from violence, anger, envy, greed, lust, backbiting, and are meant to try to get along with each other better than normal. To me, it is a whole different story...
You may recall my daily routine that I wrote not long ago, I run my life as boring as possible so that I do not need to pause and make decisions on petty stuff like what to wear, what to eat, where to eat etc. However fine tuned my routine is, it still suffered major impact due to the month of Ramadan.
Due to the super traffic in the evening, J need to drive my mother's car to work. This is good for me, as I do not need to fetch her to and back from her office. Hence, I can pick whatever route which I think would be less jam, less pot holes and crazy drivers doing their stunts on the road.
Then it comes to lunch time, my usual lunch venue is operated by Malay Muslims. It is closed throughout the entire month of Ramadan, probably because most of their customers are Muslims as well. Hence, I had to change my lunch place to alternative food stalls, and trust me, it's a tough decision. As for now, my gang and I are doing alternative between two Chinese stalls, which the food is not as delicious. Imagine I have to settle for chicken rice instead of fried stuff :P
Catering for special occasion in office is also off the menu for obvious reason. To me, it means no free food for a whole month. Our office organizes many meetings and jamuan every month (for birthdays or farewells) and I get to enjoy the food although I didn't attend most of them. So extra budget for my lunch this month :(

I nearly fell asleep a few times while trying to drive at 2 meters per 10 minutes. And this is happening even though I pick the fastest route (in terms of time) since J is driving. Imagine I had to take the Jalan Kuching (which is undergoing some stupid upgrade works that is causing a massive jam already before) to J's office before heading home. Someone please sue Samy Vellu and Chan Kong Choy for me!!
A silver lining that comes out of everything is that J and I can choose from more variety of food during the weekends. Many instant stalls are opening up near our house by Muslims as part of their buka puasa feast. Otherwise, I might have to bang my head against my steering wheel everyday so that an ambulance or police car can take me home through the jam!
Anyway... "Selamat Berpuasa" to all my Muslim friends and readers!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/19/2005 12:35:00 PM :: and invited 13 Blah(s):

13 Blah(s) by: jazzmint,, Loc Kee, mom2ashley, Lazymama, LHS, ZMM, , King's wife, Sue, Egghead, Lazymama, Egghead, Share
Say Cheeseee....!!
Although I said I was taking a day off from blogging yesterday, but I ended up spending most of the day uploading the photos taken at our gathering. The worse part is that I need to rotate most of them one-by-one.
Anyway, I kepy my promise and finished my task by 5pm yesterday. You can check out the photos by click here. You'll have to know the answer to the following question for the password:
- What kind of
endangeredrare fishes was kept in the aquarium at Milwaukee Steak Corner? (answer in singular, answer can be found throughout last week's blog)
Sorry everyone... please bear with it since I cannot find a photo hosting service with a better interface that is FREE for now. No pain no gain huh??
p/s: please do not compare my Panasonic FX7 quality with Willwolf's SLR :P
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/19/2005 07:26:00 AM :: and invited 8 Blah(s):

8 Blah(s) by: Sue, Lazymama, ZMM, Unknown, Loc Kee, ZMM, Peek@BoOoh, Egghead, Share
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Day Off
Meanwhile, I will try to find a photo hosting site to upload the photos taken during the Bloggers Gathering last Saturday. Will put up the URL later!
You might want to check out here, here, here, here and of course here for a better account of the bloggers gathering.
Check back later!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/18/2005 09:14:00 AM :: and invited 7 Blah(s):

7 Blah(s) by: ZMM, Babysmooches, jazzmint, Mumsgather, King's wife, Egghead, , Share
Monday, October 17, 2005
An Evening To Remember...Due to the "House" curse, we arrived at Milwaukee Steak Corner at 6.30pm. I dropped my passengers off and managed to find a parking nearby as someone was vacating his spot. From some distance, I can see Jason had already arrived, and found out later he was the only one. I guess the rest of our guest will be running a bit late due to the weather which makes the traffic jam worse.

Peekaboooh arrived a few minutes later. Man! Am I so wrong about her! Since I've only heard of her few days before the gathering when she left a comment saying that she will be coming, I didn't had enough time to read her blog. At first, I thought she was a he! She mentioned she is a "mid age lady" later in another comment. I was told later that she is Suzette's sister as well! To all you single guys out there, go date her even it is for a minute! I tell you, she is beautiful and friendly. Oh yeah! I swear I have met her before during my secondary school days as well (I never forget a face, but the same cannot be said about names), but until now I am still having trouble recalling when and where. Since I am not in the privileged of publishing her gorgeous photos here, you guys will just have to contact her yourself. BTW, you might wanna go by her sister first :P

MSAU, 1+2mom, Zara's mama and Young Brat arrived later. MSAU was sitting at the same table as us. We got to discuss about our children as well as her pregnancy. Most of the talk was done by J since I am never gonna get "a parasite growing inside me" (as said by Dr House). I didn't get much chance to talk to 1+2mom and Zara's mama though, as Little Skywalker's mushroom soup was already here and I was already feeding him. Anyway, I am happy that they could make it and brought their families along. We will always chat online, right?
My other two co-organizers, namely Loc Kee and Milly arrived around 7.30pm (an hour late). I guess it must be Loc Kee's work project that delayed him (so he is forgiven :P). Hence, I can sit down and let them run the rest of the evening. It was only then that I had the time to start taking photos using my camera. Suzette and her family came later as she had a whole evening full of programmes. She even need to attend a full-moon party after the gathering as well. Anyway, I am glad she can spare some time out of her busy schedule to come and meet us.

Jason, Milly, MSAU, Loc Kee and I even went on to "Yum Cha" at 记得吃 after the big dinner. OMG! You'll be amazed how big Jason's appetite was. I even asked him whether he is human afterall upon listening to all his multiple orders. He even asked me later for places to find good food at Kepong, can you believe it? I guess all the restaurant and food stall owners will be happy to have him around. I mean others will join in too after looking at how Jason eats.

All in all, I am glad that we get to meet so many bloggers (especially parents) at this gathering. We got the chance to get to know more about the person behind the keyboard. I hope we can do more of such gathering in time to come, and hopefully more bloggers will join the party!
p/s: If anyone felt that any of my photos are offensive of their (or their children) privacy, please leave a comment so that I can remove them ASAP... thanks
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/17/2005 10:32:00 AM :: and invited 18 Blah(s):

18 Blah(s) by: sqkiki, Lazymama, domesticgoddess, , YBrat, Willwolf, Mumsgather, King's wife, 1+2mom, Loc Kee, LHS, ZMM, Peek@BoOoh, Unknown, Sue, Egghead, Peek@BoOoh, Egghead, Share