Little Luke "Skywalker"

Monday, October 17, 2005

The Curse of House!

For those of you who is watching "House M.D." on a weekly basis, good for you! I just got the box set of the entire Season 1, and it nearly caused me the whole "Kepong Bloggers' Gathering"!

The story went like this, I intended to get some rest and sleep after sending J to work on Saturday morning and Little Skywalker to my parents. Little did I know, I got cursed with the "House" spell and ended up watching a few episodes up till the time I needed to fetch J from work. Sigh!

Later in the afternoon, I went to have a nap around 3.30pm to get some rest before the BIG event, since I am more or less the host and everything :P. I put the alarm at 4.45pm so that all of us will have enough time to prepare and leave at 5.30pm. I guess the Dr House was in my dream or something, I did not hear the alarm. J was downstairs with Little Skywalker (since he couldn't sleep). They were cursed with "House" as well and didn't even noticed the time was already 5.30pm when I woke up!

Anyway, all of us got into the bathroom as soon as we realised the time. After bathing, packing and locking up the house, we left around 6pm. We still need to pick up my sister (who wanted to join in the event as well although she cannot even remember the password to her one-post-blog) and also pick up a "surprise" for the gathering on the way. To add salt to the wound, it was raining quite heavily as well.

I drove like a F1 driver and even ignored Jason's (who reached around 6pm) phone call until I came to a stop at a traffic light. We finally made it at the designated venue at 6.30pm sharp, 15 minutes beyond my plan.

The curse of "House"...

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/17/2005 08:27:00 AM :: and invited 7 Blah(s):

7 Blah(s) by: Blogger ZMM, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Willwolf, Blogger shiaulin, Blogger LHS, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...
