Little Luke "Skywalker"

Monday, October 24, 2005

Jason Is Sick!!

This is a blogsphere community message...

I just received the following SMS from that mumbling Jason while I was blogging about my PD trip:

Help me blog this... (followed by username and password)... I'm sick, seriously sick. no blogging until I have recover and back 2 Malacca.

After reading this... I, together with Twinsmom's help, did this as a favour to him!

I am guessing he is having "stomach overloading" syndrome from all the food he consumed throughout his few days stay at KL last week. I liked to say "Told you so!", but I think he already got the message by now :P

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/24/2005 01:40:00 PM :: and invited 5 Blah(s):

5 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger ZMM, Blogger Unknown, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...
