Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Good Morning Skywalker!I have high-jacked the Good Morning series from mom2ashley :P
These are a couple of shots taken on a Sunday morning where we would usually lepak on the bed for at least 15 minutes after we wake up. This is very much in contrast to our weekday routine where Little Skywalker is woken up abruptly early in the morning enroute to my parents. Sunday morning is the only day where we can get enough sleep till the sun shines on our butt. By the way, Little Skywalker was wearing his new pyjamas.
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/28/2006 08:58:00 AM :: and invited 11 Blah(s):

11 Blah(s) by: , shiaulin, ZMM, Allyfeel, Mumsgather, Contented Mum, , mom2ashley, geeth, 1+2mom, Egghead, Share
And It's Going Up.... Again!
This is a community service announcement...
For those of you who not already read/heard the BIG news, the price of petrol has gone up another 30 cents as of 12am this morning. The new retail price will be RM1.92 per liter! I am only glad that our new car is consuming petrol at a similar rate as my previous car.
What a way to spoil your morning breakfast huh?
p/s: actual post will follow shortly...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/28/2006 08:20:00 AM :: and invited 10 Blah(s):

10 Blah(s) by: VP, , ZMM, Bkworm, Allyfeel, Tracy, Contented Mum, Jess, geeth, Egghead, Share
Monday, February 27, 2006
Lies and Deceptions?You can see how fast Little Skywalker is growing up from our daily conversations:
E: 要做什么? (what do you wanna do?)
L: 要去 gai-gai! (wanna go out!)
E: 要去哪里? (where do you wanna go?)
L: 去 jut-go! (go jut-go -> his version of Jusco)

... nothing surprising so far huh? read on...
E: 要去 jut-go ah? 有乖吗? (wanna go jut-go? have you been a good boy?)
L: 有! (yes!)
E: 真的吗? (sure?)
L: 真! (sure!)
E: 有骗我吗? (are you lying to me?)
L: 没有! (no!)
E: 真的吗? (sure?)
L: 真! (sure!) ... *followed by a nervous laugh
That makes you think huh? When did Little Skywalker learn about the concept of lying? Judging by his response, we can see that he is pretty sure about what truth and lies is about. Although we felt that it's amazing of how fast our son is growing up. But isn't it too fast?
So, can we trust him anymore? LOL!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/27/2006 08:30:00 AM :: and invited 16 Blah(s):

16 Blah(s) by: VP, Jess, geeth, Tracy, ZMM, shoppingmum, Lazymama, Contented Mum, Mumsgather, mom2ashley, Ricket, Willwolf, , 1+2mom, Allyfeel, Egghead, Share
Friday, February 24, 2006
Going UnderThe story goes like this...
Little Skywalker "accidentally" threw one of his toy under the couch. He tried to reach it with his hands but couldn't.

So, he took a stick in order to sweep it out.

He even took a weird peek at me when he started with his stick.

There he goes!

And he goes under further!

"Oh man! Need to get up for a stretch! My back is killing me!"

"Please... please... can daddy get it for me?" (with a cute face put on)
In the end, I noticed that the stick wasn't even long enough to reach his toy and I had to push the couch out in order to retrieve Little Skywalker's precious toy. He had it in his hands for less than five minutes and threw it elsewhere again... sigh!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/24/2006 08:32:00 AM :: and invited 21 Blah(s):

21 Blah(s) by: Jess, Lazymama, VP, Mumsgather, ZMM, Contented Mum, , Sabrina, geeth, Tracy, mom2ashley, Bkworm, Unknown, lisaOne, Allyfeel, Irene, shoppingmum, 1+2mom, King's wife, Egghead, , Share
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Tea-Egg-Egg-Chicken??!!That's the plate number of our new car, at least according to Little Skywalker!

J and I tried very hard to convert Little Skywalker's belief on our new car plate number as he is still going about saying "Tea-Tea-Foh-Foh" (which is the plate number of our previous car) whenever we enquire about our car plate number. Although he is very fond of the new car (especially the new CD-player), I guess it will take him another week of brainwashing for the new plate number to kick in. Who says toddlers are forgetful?
As for us,
OK, enough babbling from a new car owner! Back to the reality of slaving to pay off our increasing debts...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/23/2006 09:05:00 AM :: and invited 21 Blah(s):

21 Blah(s) by: Lazymama, geeth, Jess, lisaOne, Sabrina, Tracy, ZMM, mom2ashley, , Ricket, Unknown, Irene, Oscar's Mommy, VP, , shoppingmum, Unknown, jazzmint, Allyfeel, 1+2mom, Egghead, Share
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
4D Frenzy!Just got back from JPJ after I successfully book the car plate number for our new car, which is due to arrive this evening. Since the pre-CNY-car-buying-spree was over, there were very few people queuing up at the JPJ.
I arrived at JPJ around 8am after taking off work for a couple of hours. The running number for the day is between 3001 and 5000. My salesman won't be arriving for another half an hour, so he gave me instructions over the phone. I took about 15 minutes to browse through all the available numbers on the screen and jotting down the ones I am interested. While doing that, I also called J to discuss about which number to book.
After we decided, I filled up the form and submitted to the counter. I was quite fortunate as the few people in front of me didn't managed to get the numbers they wanted and had to go back to look at the 14" screen again. It took about 10 minutes for me to settle everything (including the RM210 booking fee). Then, I waited for my salesman to arrive and we proceeded to register the car. I left JPJ around 9am as the salesman will collect the registration card later in the afternoon.
Now we come to the good part, anyone interested in buying whatever 3D/4D/5D/Toto can contact me
Let the frenzy begin!!
p/s: J and I don't buy any lottery nor do we encourage people to do so if they have no spare money
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/22/2006 09:57:00 AM :: and invited 14 Blah(s):

14 Blah(s) by: ZMM, , , Oscar's Mommy, shoppingmum, jazzmint, mom2ashley, ern's mummy, Tracy, geeth, Allyfeel, Jess, lisaOne, Unknown, Share
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Got Already Ah?Got a late phone call from one of my "girlfriend"(let's refer her as D) whose wedding I attended during my last December Wedding Tour. It went
D: Hei!
E: Wei! Chinese New Year already over liao lor!
D: Yeah! Sorry about that. Want to tell you something leh!
E: What? Got already ah?
D: Yeah yeah!
E: Hahaha! So, what's the big news?
D: Huh? Told you lah!
E: What? Really got already ah?
D: Didn't you notice I answer yeah yeah?
E: I was just kidding leh! Didn't know "open mouth kena" (开口中)!
D: Yeah lor... thanks to your mouth!
E: So how?
D: Just went to Gleneagles for my first check-up! Quite expensive
E: Is like that one lor! First check-up often cost higher gua...
D: You know any better hospital?
(is another 10 minutes of blah blah blah from here on...)
The rest of our conversations centered around which hospital D preferred to go for her check-up as well as delivery her baby. It was such a freakish co-incidence that Michelle and I were just involved in a lengthy debate on whether private or public hospitals are better for delivering a baby. Well, I do not want to go down that particular path again, but suffice to say, the debate did not end in a consensus note.

So, eight months from now, Little Skywalker will have another playmate (I am betting is a girl based on their family records). Hopefully they would get along well like their parents.
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/21/2006 08:40:00 AM :: and invited 19 Blah(s):

19 Blah(s) by: Oscar's Mommy, Jess, Loc Kee, VP, Allyfeel, lisaOne, ZMM, jazzmint, shoppingmum, geeth, Tracy, Mumsgather, Ricket, , mama2jojo, Contented Mum, Babysmooches, , Egghead, Share
Monday, February 20, 2006
Family Vacation!

It'll be interesting to watch how much he differs from his previous trips when we head up there again. This time, we'll be going there in our brand new family car, which is due to arrive within the next two days! Remember to watch this space to catch the first preview of it!
p/s: just in case anyone is going up to Uncle Lim's place during the same period, we'll be staying at the Theme Park Hotel as usual.
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/20/2006 09:22:00 AM :: and invited 17 Blah(s):

17 Blah(s) by: Admin, VP, Jess, Tracy, , ZMM, jazzmint, lisaOne, Oscar's Mommy, , Ricket, , Unknown, Pearl Wong-Tey, Allyfeel, geeth, Egghead, Share
Friday, February 17, 2006
Wolfgang SkywalkerIt's not surprising that Little Skywalker has been showing early signs that he is very much interested in music. It is likely that he inherited his "talent" from his father (that plays the piano as well as listens to plenty of classical music... *ahem). In fact, all my brothers and sisters were

Sometimes, I perform piano recital (better than my dad) for KL Philharmonic. This is my Chopin piece!

I can even combine the flute and piano altogether! How about that? Mozart!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/17/2006 08:26:00 AM :: and invited 18 Blah(s):

18 Blah(s) by: Jess, Tracy, Contented Mum, shoppingmum, Mumsgather, Allyfeel, Lazymama, Pearl Wong-Tey, Pearl Wong-Tey, , lisaOne, ZMM, jazzmint, Kampungkai, Unknown, mom2ashley, Egghead, geeth, Share
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Ice Ice Baby!Little Skywalker has a special affection for ice, especially ice cubes. I guess this would be best for his heat-intolerant body as you could actually see sweat drops through his thin layer of hair when he is not exposed to a fan or air-conditioning. He loves to eat and drink cold stuff, namely yogurt, Vitagen, soft drinks (main 100Plus), chilled fruit etc. However, his favourite item remains to be ice cubes! Whenever he is fussy, restless, in pain or in any negative emotions, some ice cubes in his mouth will always brighten up his day. He would repeatedly put it in his mouth and spit it out into his small bowl until the ice cube fully melted or fell on the floor.
Ahhhhhh....! Chilling.....!
Why is it getting smaller and smaller? Oops... where did it go?
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/16/2006 08:31:00 AM :: and invited 19 Blah(s):

19 Blah(s) by: Jess, VP, jazzmint, , ZMM, , Tracy, , , lisaOne, Lazymama, mama2jojo, Tracy, mom2ashley, Unknown, 1+2mom, Allyfeel, Egghead, geeth, Share
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
How "Old" Am I?
Name one of the actor of the old days that you missed the most
Sean Connery - My number one idol for good looking man and I consider him almost retired since I don't see any of his new movies anymore :(
Name a cartoon of the old old days
Transformers - I miss those good old Transformers toys I had last time!
Name a singer/group of the old days
Jacky Cheung - he is of the old days as well as new days... LOL!
Band of the old days
Is Beyond considered a band?
TV Series of the old days
BayWatch - Who could forget those babes running on a beach in a red hot swim suit?
Actress of Old Days
Julie Andrews - Love her voice in The Sound of Music and Marry Poppins!
Fashion of Old Days that you miss the most
Those with shoulder pads one... more professional looking I guess :P
Movie of Old Days
The Sound of Music, My Fair Lady and The King and I
Music Video of Old Days
Has music video been invented back in the good old days? (I don't mean those karaoke type)
Coolest Song of Old Days
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
Can the above few questions really tell how "young" I am? I truly doubt it. Anyway, no harm passing the baton to Jazzmint, Zara's mama, Jesslyn, JoMel and De Book Worm.
Have fun with it!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/15/2006 08:43:00 AM :: and invited 13 Blah(s):

13 Blah(s) by: Lazymama, Jess, ZMM, shoppingmum, jazzmint, Ricket, lisaOne, , 1+2mom, , shiaulin, Irene, Egghead, Share
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Call Me Bob!All the kids and parents out there... come and sing along...

Can we fix it?
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can!
Scoop, Block and Dizzy and Roly too
Lofty and Wendy join the crew
Bob and the gang have so much fun
Working together, they get the job done!
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it?
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can!

Time to get busy, such a lot to do
Building and fixing till it's good as new
Bob and the gang make a really good sound
Working all day till the sun goes down
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it?
Bob the Builder
Yes, we can!
Digging and mixing, having so much fun
Working together, they get the job done
Can we dig it? Yes!

Can we fix it? Yes!
Bob the Builder(Yeah!)
Bob the Builder
All together now!
Bob the Builder
Can we fix it?
Bob the Builder (Bob... Fantastic)
Yes, we can!
We'd better get some work done!
p/s: Of all the stuff that came with the package, his favourite is the yellow color helmet, go figure!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/14/2006 08:27:00 AM :: and invited 19 Blah(s):

19 Blah(s) by: Jess, jazzmint, lisaOne, Twin, , MahaguruSia, Tracy, shoppingmum, Oscar's Mommy, ZMM, Papi, mom2ashley, Unknown, Egghead, Unknown, 1+2mom, Irene, geeth, Mei, Share
Monday, February 13, 2006
Need A Ride?As I returned home after a week of tiring work and meetings to start enjoying my weekend, J and Little Skywalker gave me the best surprise present (ever!) as I stepped into the door.
Behold, our cool Little Skywalker on his first Harley!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/13/2006 08:50:00 AM :: and invited 12 Blah(s):

12 Blah(s) by: , , Jess, Lazymama, Oscar's Mommy, ZMM, , lisaOne, mom2ashley, , Irene, geeth, Share
Friday, February 10, 2006
Fresh RoutineJ is on compulsory deductible annual leave today as declared by her boss. Due to Thaipusam, all the roads around her office is being closed from traffic. Hence, she will be a SAHM for another day with Little Skywalker at home. It leads me to write about a fresh routine which has been added to my Saturday.
Over the past two months, Little Skywalker has been spending his Saturday morning and afternoon with me at home (as compared to sending him to my parents). Few months back, I couldn't handle him for more than a couple of hours before his "breast addiction" kicks in. However, all that has changed since I came up with a bunch of stuff to do with him a few weeks ago. It goes something like this...

After he wakes up, we would spend some time in bed stretching ourselves and wish each other "Good Morning!" while I change him into his singlet and shorts. After that, we will walk across the street to have our breakfast since the car has gone to work along with J. Our typical breakfast consists of a "chao-siu pao", a "kaya pao", a "siu mai" and a cup of teh-tarik. The teh-tarik and "siu mai" is for me only as Little Skywalker is still too young for them. He will share the two paos with me and drink from his own water bottle.
I put his on an adult chair (those with no handles and back support) instead of a baby-chair so that he will sit still instead of climbing all over the place. So far, it's been working very well. He will sit quietly on his chair and turning to all directions to look his surroundings. While eating, he will point to other stuff and tell me what they are (baby, cats, dogs etc.) or what are they doing (cooking, eating etc.). We would spend about half an hour there depending on how fast he eats with all the distractions around him.

A little background on Little Skywalker's milk feeding. J usually leaves behind her breast milk in the freezer so that I will warm it up for Little Skywalker. Since we are desperately trying to wean the little guy off J's

By the time we finish all the vacuuming, J would be back from work and we would go out to have our lunch. How's that for a Saturday morning and afternoon? For me, it's priceless!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/10/2006 09:41:00 AM :: and invited 16 Blah(s):

16 Blah(s) by: Jess, Sabrina, ZMM, VP, Babysmooches, , 1+2mom, Bkworm, , Oscar's Mommy, Sue, lisaOne, Irene, jazzmint, King's wife, geeth, Share
Thursday, February 09, 2006
"Major" DecisionIt all started when I took J and Little Skywalker to this BBQ Wan Tan Noodle (合记港式烧腊面饭店) for lunch at Jalan Ipoh last Sunday. Since I have switched to a food (named Diet by the author) template, I would recommend everyone to feast at that restaurant and try out their dried sauced mee (干捞面). It's the best I've ever tasted! The restaurant is located at the end of Jalan Ipoh heading towards Jalan Chow Kit. It is next to an Ambank branch.
Back to my story, we were slurping our delicious mee and feeding Little Skywalker his rice (did I mentioned that he prefers rice than porridge nowadays?). Out of the blue, I took noticed the Tan Chong showroom across the busy street. (For those who do not know Tan Chong, they are the main distributor for Nissan cars. FYI, I go there at least twice a year to get my car's road tax and insurance renewal done since I have a friend working there) The topic of our plan to change our car started to dominate our lunch talk. We talked about when to do it, how are we going about to do it, which car to get... etc.
Before we knew it, we were walking across the road and into the Nissan showroom. After 20 minutes of "trying on" some cars in the company of a salesman (who had to come back to work on a CNY Sunday), we decided to visit another showroom instead. This time was a Toyota showroom which is located at Batu Caves area. Feeling unsatisfied after the second stop, we went to a Honda showroom near our house. There goes a whole Sunday afternoon (which could be well spent on DVD, sleeping and resting at home) to visiting car showrooms.
The Nissan salesman called on Monday morning to confirm a test drive that he had promised to arrange the previous day. Having nothing to loose, I went on the test drive session after work. During the test drive, the salesman had informed me about the increase in the price of new cars as well as loan interest rates soon. Although I doubted what he said then, I fully intend to find out the truth from my friends in the automobile and banking industries later.
After the test drive, the salesman brought along his manager (surprisingly a lady) to evaluate the trade-in price of my four years old Proton Wira 1.3 (Manual) "Air-Liur-Back". She offered me a attractive price, which is a few thousands more than what I owe the bank, and a few thousands higher than market price. (FYI, Toyota people called earlier the same day and offered a much lower price)
After she made the offer, she used her super-oily-fluent tongue to sweet talk me into making a prompt decision on the spot. If she had been 10 years younger and sexier, I would have fell into her trap (oops, I mean if I were still single :P). Luckily, I had a bag full of excuses at the bag of my head. By throwing out the golden excuse of "I need to discuss the finance planning with my wife before I decide", I was home free! They promised to call me the next day for an answer as the offer was only valid for two days.
Back at home, J and I were quite tempted to take up that offer. On the other hand, we were not happy and felt like being pushed into making a hasty decision. Consequently, we decided to call up the salesman (the same night) to decline the offer citing "financial difficulties". After that, I called up my friend whose working in the banking industry to verify the claim of rising interest rate. He told me that it is true that the car loan interest rate will be rising very soon and if I wish to get a car, I should do it soon before the price of my car drop as a consequence of that.
The next day, I called up my car dealer friend and told him about the offer I got from Tan Chong. In return, he promised to offer me at least one thousand higher even before he inspects my car. Knowing that, I went ahead to draw out all the facts and figures that would impact our financial plan for the next few years.
After a few hours of "hard work" into some Excel spreadsheets, I finally estimated the price we had to pay for this new car. Surprisingly, it turned out to be OK after all. The 10% down payment will be financed 60% by my old car's settlement and 40% by my brother (a loan which he intended to return long ago but I told him not to yet). The rest of the nine year loan will add another RM440 to our existing monthly expenditure.
Up to this point, J and I have decided (90%) to go ahead in getting our new car (to be announced when it arrives). It has been a tiring few days having to think through this "major" decision, I even had trouble sleeping because of it.
What do you think? Is it worth it?
p/s: We have until this weekend to decide on the purchase as my friend was kind enough to extend the dateline to next Monday.
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/09/2006 09:27:00 AM :: and invited 20 Blah(s):

20 Blah(s) by: , ZMM, Tracy, , Buaya69, Papi, lisaOne, Jess, Lazymama, shoppingmum, Unknown, 1+2mom, Wingz, Sebastian's mommy, jazzmint, , , Oscar's Mommy, Sue, Twin, Share
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Mind On Something Else...
Normal blogging routine will resume in a day or two...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/08/2006 09:03:00 AM :: and invited 14 Blah(s):

14 Blah(s) by: ZMM, , lisaOne, , Loc Kee, Lazymama, Tracy, , ern's mummy, Jess, 1+2mom, Oscar's Mommy, King's wife, , Share
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Another Evening to Remember...Since everyone has already had their post-event coverage up, I could not delay this further...

You can also read more post-event here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/07/2006 10:21:00 AM :: and invited 15 Blah(s):

15 Blah(s) by: , , Lazymama, Jess, jazzmint, ZMM, VP, lisaOne, Tracy, , Loc Kee, Egghead, , 1+2mom, Irene, Share
Monday, February 06, 2006
Back To Work
So, as you can see, I have many things to get used to before I can get used to daily blogging. However, I will be able to give you a sneak preview on what's coming up in the next few days:
- Chinese New Year celebrations (many parts as usual)
- Kepong Bloggers Gathering II
- Gifts for Little Skywalker
- Little Skywalker at Kidsport
- ... cannot think of any for now
Stay tune for more!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/06/2006 08:46:00 AM :: and invited 13 Blah(s):

13 Blah(s) by: 1+2mom, Oscar's Mommy, , Lazymama, geeth, jazzmint, Jess, , Irene, mom2ashley, , ZMM, lisaOne, Share