Little Luke "Skywalker"

Friday, March 31, 2006



一年一度的扫墓日子又来临了, 我们一家人将于今晚回家乡, 准备明天早晨的活动. 自从小的出世后, 我们就很少回家乡了. 真怀念家乡的的生活, 又自在, 又宁静, 连空气都清新爽朗. 由於家乡的租屋即将被拆除, 我看这将是我们最后一次回去了吧! 都怪那些无良心的发展商! 真的没有一片土地会逃得过他们的魔掌! 也罢! 至少我们可以把年老的婆婆和叔公带到吉隆坡来住, 不必为他们搭那些危险的长途巴士而提心吊胆...


两个礼拜前的一个星期五早上, 突然接到一个从家里打来的电话. 妈妈告诉我说心爱的婆婆进了医院. 我听了过后就整个人呆住了. 由於我婆婆长期以来都有心脏病, 不过她都当没一回事地跑来跑去. 听了那如晴天霹雳的消息, 差一点连我的心脏都受不了了. 过后得知婆婆因为头晕了整天, 便叫朋友载她去中央医院急诊. 经过一个中午的检查后, 医生给了她一些晕浪药便叫她回家休息. 叔叔回去家乡把婆婆载去我父母家好让她修养 (我妈是退休的护士嘛!).

经过几天的静修后, 她又恢复那好动的生活了. 静修期间, 她曾经对我说她想再去吃一次牛扒, 说她以后不懂还有没有机会再吃. 我听了后就如当头一棒, 看着她那憔悴的脸蛋, 才看得到岁月对她的侵蚀. 婆婆真的老了! 基於她的心脏问题, 我还是答应带她去吃她想吃的牛扒. 不过, 必须等她复元一些日子后才可以. 她听了也觉得欣慰, 至少我不是如我妈般的严厉!


上个星期五, 我接到老婆的电话, 问我能不能回家照顾小的, 因为我妈必须紧急到医院看医生. 我听后觉得不对劲, 因为他们平时都把小瓜随身携带, 连医院也不例外. 我急急忙忙向老板告了半天假, 赶紧回家去了. 回到去, 他们也不对我多说, 便去了医院. 过后我才从他们口中得知真相. 原来我妈的子宫生了肿瘤, 搞得她当天头晕, 需要到医院检查, 以防万一. 怪不得近来她都有进出妇产科, 我还以为是女人的中年问题呢!

上个礼拜六, 我妈到马大医院去做了细胞抽样手术 (Biopsy) 来确定肿瘤是否恶性 (俗称癌症), 今天应该会知道检验报告. 年少的弟妹们知道后都非常担心, 尤其是我那刚上初中一的弟弟, 他更是操心到寄了封短讯给我说: "老妈得了癌症, 记得为她祈祷". 真难得, 因为他可是我们五位兄弟姐妹之中最顽皮和叛逆的一个. 我们全家都拿他没办法了. 我看这就是所谓的患难见真情了吧...

对我而言, 操心已经不是有效的解决方法了. 我们唯一可以做的东西就是向上帝祈祷吧! 希望肿瘤不是恶性的, 没有把癌细胞都扩散至其他身体部位. 也不知道怎么了, 可能是因为我在医院工作吧! 我似乎对生病和死亡产生了一种免疫系统, 也没什么大不了了. 时不时我都会看到护士们推着一个用铁质罩着的轮床, 往太平间方向推去. 心想: "又一条生命结束了, 希望他/她会喜登极乐世界去".

写到这也该告一段落了, 不想把自己的心情和你们的心情搞糟了. 我曾经答应过自己, 不会把一些不愉快或伤感的内容笔记在这. 因为我希望那小瓜以后读到的都是些快乐的回忆. 可能是因为清明时节, 不知不觉就写了这篇文章. 唉! 就当作是留给他的一个人生的宝贵历程吧...

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/31/2006 09:20:00 AM :: and invited 21 Blah(s):

21 Blah(s) by: Blogger Jess, Blogger raynx, Blogger Tracy, Blogger Oscar's Mommy, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger ZMM, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Milly, Blogger Milly, Blogger amanda, Blogger MayY . C 五月媽媽, Blogger shoppingmum, Blogger Lazymama, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger 1+2mom, Blogger Unknown, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger shiaulin, Blogger domesticgoddess, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...


Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Story of The Vacuum Boy

Once upon a time... there was a boy named Little Skywalker. He came to the big city to look for a job in order to support his big family living in kampung. He got a job as a cleaning servant in a big castle. His job was to vacuum the entire castle for his master everyday...

He starts off his morning by sucking up dusts and stuff...

He finds them under the shoes...

Under the sofa couch...

Under everywhere!

Then he's off to vacuum and clean up his master's 4WD...

Not forgetting his master's Harley Davidson as well!

He snakes around sometimes when his master is not looking...

But that is just because sometimes the dusts are just too much for his sensitive nose...

At the end of the day, he is still a happy Vacuum Boy!

The End.

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/30/2006 08:30:00 AM :: and invited 22 Blah(s):

22 Blah(s) by: Blogger ZMM, Blogger Jess, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Ann always, Blogger Mumsgather, Blogger geeth, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger shoppingmum, Blogger Tracy, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger ern's mummy, Blogger Milly, Blogger 1+2mom, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Babysmooches, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger mom2ashley, Blogger Irene, Blogger shiaulin, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Shopping Frenzy!

Last weekend was a shopping frenzy for our family for no apparent reason. I guess the main reason is we always delay buying our stuff and ended up had to buy all of them at the same time when everything started to wear or run out...

The frenzy started on Friday afternoon when I went to Kota Raya to get myself a new mobile phone after lengthy negotiation and approval from J. I just had to change my old Samsung C100 because it frequently shut off by itself when someone call or in the middle of a conversation. Most of the time, it will perform its automatic shut-down sequence when some of my important clients are calling me (sigh!). I could not stand it anymore and decided to get a new phone instead.

After surveying the market for a few weeks, I decided to get the Motorola SLVR 7. I bought an AP set (not related to Rafidah Aziz, the automotive industry or what-so-ever) at Kota Raya at RM790. The price is much cheaper there as compared to Sungai Wang. The old C100 will probably go to my grandmother, hopefully she will learn how to use it.

On Saturday evening, J and I brought Little Skywalker to shop at Jusco. Due to Jusco sale, J got herself a piece of white-with-orange shirt while I got myself a pair of work pants since my old one could hardly contain my expanding tummy (which is standing at 34").

We also went to the famous Diethelm sale to try our luck for the first time. It seems that there was another sale going on elsewhere but we didn't knew about it. It was an eye-opener for me as the place was "people mountain people sea" and there was hardly any space left to walk about. We used to bring along a small mobile fan to keep Little Skywalker cool but the battery decided to let go on that particular hot afternoon. We managed to grab the last few packets of MamyPoko (only small packets left) at a cheaper rate. We also got ourselves some cookies, Toblerone bars as well as a couple of Fisher-Price toys for Little Skywalker.

Little Skywalker was wore out after the visit to Diethelm. He was fast asleep as soon as we arrived at home. I got an SMS from Loc Kee later in evening to go on a yam-cha session with his family at Secret Recipe nearby. Little Skywalker had fun playing with Sweet Sweet while we adult just sit by and watch the kids interact with each other. To reward Little Skywalker patience and good behavior throughout the whole weekend, we decided to bring Little Skywalker to the playground after that.

There you go, a whole weekend of money spending. Hopefully the next frenzy will not be so soon. Oops! We forgot to get Little Skywalker's formula milk! Will get it this weekend instead :P

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/29/2006 08:50:00 AM :: and invited 16 Blah(s):

16 Blah(s) by: Blogger Jess, Blogger mom2ashley, Blogger ZMM, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Unknown, Blogger Loc Kee, Blogger King's wife, Blogger geeth, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Lazymama, Blogger Milly, Blogger shoppingmum, Blogger 1+2mom, Blogger Egghead, Blogger geeth,

Blah Something...


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Sexy Mama!!

Like all the other kids, Little Skywalker prefers to mess around with everything except his own toys. He will play with the fan, the remote controls, nail clippers, broom, toilet brush etc. in order to be stopped by his parents. He was looking at some books (not his books) one day and he caught hold of a comic of mine. After looking at the front cover for some time, he pointed at the front cover picture and shouted "Mami! 一样的! (same one)".

J was curious to see what he was talking about. She was pleasantly surprised to know how our son perceived her in cartoon illustration form... voila!

p/s: Now you know why I married her... LOL!

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/28/2006 08:20:00 AM :: and invited 14 Blah(s):

14 Blah(s) by: Blogger Oscar's Mommy, Blogger ZMM, Blogger Mumsgather, Blogger shoppingmum, Blogger geeth, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger MayY . C 五月媽媽, Blogger Jess, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger shiaulin, Blogger Ryan Chan Ting En (陈廷恩), Blogger 1+2mom, Blogger King's wife, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...


Monday, March 27, 2006

Talk 3 Talk 4

J gave Little Skywalker his straw-based drinking bottle to drink from. He was happy sucking away until you can hear the sound of him sucking up wind when the water ran out. He came to me holding his bottle...

E: 没有了啊? (Finish liao ah?)
L: 还有! (Still got!)
E: Huh? *took the bottle from him and shake it to check, still got very little left
E: 没有了 lor... (No more already lor...)
L: 还有! (Still got!)
E: 哪里还有? *shake the bottle to show him (Where still got?)
L: 有! Little bit! (Got!)
L: 有 leh! Little bit! (Got leh!)


Yesterday night, I decided to sleep at Little Skywalker's "bed" to see what's his reaction...

E: 我睡你的 bed bed hah! 你睡上面! (I sleep at your bed hah! you sleep up there!)
L: 不要! *while still nursing (No!)
E: 做什么不要? 你睡 papa bed, 我睡你的 bed lah! (Why not? You sleep papa's bed, I sleep your bed lah!)
L: 不要! (No!)
E: 酱 papa 睡哪里? (Then where papa going to sleep?)
L: 这边! *pointing to the spot next to him (Here!)
E: 不要! 我睡这边! (No! I sleep here!)
L: *stopped sucking and sat up straight while looking at me with an annoyed face
E: 你跟妈妈睡 lah! (You sleep with mama lah!)
L: Papa go way! (his version of go away)
L: Papa go way! *while coming down to halau me away from his private property

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/27/2006 09:45:00 AM :: and invited 16 Blah(s):

16 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger ZMM, Blogger Jess, Blogger shoppingmum, Blogger Mumsgather, Blogger Tracy, Blogger geeth, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Contented Mum, Blogger mom2ashley, Blogger shiaulin, Blogger MayY . C 五月媽媽, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Egghead, Blogger MayY . C 五月媽媽, Blogger Allyfeel,

Blah Something...


Friday, March 24, 2006

Back To School - Meme

"I wonder how you can write in Chinese and English so well, can share your academic background so I make sure Zara walk the same path?" - Zara's mama

The infamous phrase above put me in the spot to respond to this tag on my "academic background". Here goes... (very lazy to dig out old school photos and scan it though)

How many schools did I go to?
  1. Kindergarten at Jesus Caritas Catholic church for a year
    Can't remember too well already, but all I know is that I had plenty of fun and games. Can hardly remember anything I learned there except to run about and climb up stuffs.

  2. Primary schools (2)
    First one is SRJK(C) Desa Jaya where I studied for less than a few months before my family shifted. Moved over to SRJK(C) Mun Choong at Jalan Ipoh for the rest of my primary school days. The most unforgettable memory I had for my primary school days is the first time I lied to my parents. It was about me attending some computer lessons in school. For some reason, I could not find the designated "computer room" in the school. I ended up telling my mum that I went but could hardly come up with anything when she asked what I have learned. It was not until my mum went to the school to ask the teachers that I finally confessed (I was only standard one!).
    I hardly ever study as well in primary school, mostly avoiding homework and being caught. For some reason, I ended up as a head prefect as well as the conductor for the school band (LOL!).

  3. Secondary school (Remove to Form 5)
    Again, I did not study much as well except the night before exams (even for PMR and SPM). Got placed in remove class because I scored one short of straight As in my UPSR exams. I didn't mind that as remove class was like a total honeymoon year. Due to God's grace, I remained at the top class every year. I even got to be the head prefect again for no reason. I began to show tremendous amount of interest in computers to the extend that the teachers and headmasters kept coming to me to help them out in their word processing and spreadsheet stuffs.
    As for sports, I am involved in countless stuff including athletic events, basketball, badminton, tennis and volleyball. I am also the school representative for tennis as well as state representative for volleyball (weird for a not-so-tall guy huh?).

  4. Tertiary studies
    Went to a form six class for 2 weeks before my application to the newly established set-up Multimedia University at Malacca (where that big guy is studying now) was accepted. I was reluctant to go at first (because all my friends are at form six) but was forced persuaded by my parents (bless them). If weren't for them, I would never have met my wife, J. I enjoyed myself very much at Malacca as the life there is very quiet and things are cheap.
    Two years later, we got moved like guinea pigs to the desert area of Cyberjaya where the so-called new campus was located. Since the hostel rooms are equipped with network points, I enjoyed unlimited net surfing, mp3s, online gaming, porn videos etc. after getting myself a PC. There wasn't much entertainment at that desert, hence we had to go to Puchong or Serdang to find entertainments.
Was I the studious nerd, or the last minute hero?
LOL! Never studied like a nerd before. Anyone who knows me can stand witness. I will only gather everything the night before, then will study straight for 8-12 hours straight until the next morning before I go into the exam halls. Due to my super-efficient short term memory, I was able to "vomit" out everything in the exam hall and return everything back to the teachers/lecturers. After the exam will be a whole day of sleep and rest for me, then it's back to play time again!

Was I the class 'taiko' (big bully) or the teachers' pet?
A little of both. I was one of the most naughty and rebellious people in the class. The teachers have a love-hate relationship for me. The reason behind is that they need my help in their computer stuffs and they could not find any reasons to punish me since I did quite well in the exams (LOL!). In the end of the day, the teachers still consider me as one of their favourites while the rest of my classmates will still treat me as their gang :)

What was the biggest rule I broke in school?
Hmmm... can hardly recall any rule-breaking incident since I was either a prefect or head prefect for most of the time. I am the one who is upholding the law instead because I AM THE LAW (copyright Judge Dredd reserved)!

Three subjects I enjoyed
English - I was the top of the class for this subject because we used to have a Philippine maid at home for 10 years and we spoke to her in English. In fact, my younger siblings even had some guai-loh slang when they spoke mandarin or Cantonese when they were small.
Physics - Always fascinated with physics because it teaches so much of the things around us, especially how aeroplane can fly and huge ship can sail on sea. Simply amazing!
Mathematics - Is because there is always a solution for all the problems. This is the only subject where you can score a perfect 100% and no boring writing of essays.

Three teachers that inspired me
Ms Teoh - She taught me mathematics and additional mathematics. Is because of her that I got so interested in solving complex mathematical problems. She would always challenge the class to solve some difficult problems just to inspire us to work harder.
Mrs Yap - She is one of those with a pure English education background. Her English is perfect and she gives out tuition for the 1119 papers. I was her favourite student because I am scored the top marks in the class (FYI, my class is filled with students from Chinese education background). Oh yeah! She is a true fan of that Patrick Teoh!
Mr Ling - One of my university lecturer that teaches engineering maths. I truly admire his passion for numbers but could not compliment him for his skills in teaching. He made me wanna try very hard to solve some complex problems that he threw us in his lecture. I could spend hours trying to solve on problem just to impress him :P

So, to Zara's mama, are you sure you want little Zara to grow up like me? If she does, you will suffer (or even vomit blood) for the next 20 years just to get her to study or stay at home every night! LOL!

The list of the next victims are:
  1. Twinsmom - is always interesting to see how she writes!
  2. De Bookworm - I wonder she was a bookworm back then
  3. Jesslyn - since you are one of those mummies who's not pregnant at the moment :P

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/24/2006 09:20:00 AM :: and invited 17 Blah(s):

17 Blah(s) by: Blogger Jess, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger ZMM, Blogger jazzmint, Blogger geeth, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger Milly, Blogger Lazymama, Blogger shoppingmum, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Bkworm, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger King's wife, Blogger Ricket, Blogger Milly, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...


Thursday, March 23, 2006

New "Bed"

Little Skywalker's has his own cot since he was born. However, he still like to sandwich himself between his parents and take away the chances of having another sibling every night. We decided it was about time for him to start sleeping on his bed instead. J managed to stack up two mattresses and put them beside our bed as his new "bed". We gave up on the idea of putting him in his cot as he managed to climb and fell over once (luckily he landed on our bed... Phew!). For the last few days, he seems to love his new bed. He would play on his own bed before we go to sleep. However, due to the fact that he is still on breastfeeding, he still sandwich himself when it comes to bed time. Since J would be already asleep by the time Little Skywalker goes into his dreamland, no one bother to put him on his "bed"...

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/23/2006 08:56:00 AM :: and invited 17 Blah(s):

17 Blah(s) by: Blogger Jess, Blogger mom2ashley, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger ZMM, Blogger Mumsgather, Blogger Ryan Chan Ting En (陈廷恩), Blogger Kampungkai, Blogger Greenapple, Blogger ZMM, Blogger Irene, Blogger geeth, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger Papi, Blogger Tracy, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"Green" Lungs and "Fresh" Air

We did something very different last Sunday for our weekend outings. J and I decided that we should bring Little Skywalker to the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), which is located near Loc Kee and that Potential Mum's residence (you can ask them for directions). The last time I've been there was about 7-8 years ago during my secondary school days. It's the first time for both J and Little Skywalker.

Since we are too stingy to pay the RM5 entrance fee for our car, we parked our car outside the FRIM and paid RM2 for individual entrance. What a big mistake we've made! It was a really long walk on a narrow sidewalk just beside the main road (where many cars were traveling). The sidewalk was not even wide enough for all three of us side-by-side. Worst of all, there wasn't any map of the FRIM anywhere! We must have walked for at least 1km before we reached a pond where we could sit down and have some rest. We couldn't find the water fall or anything interesting for Little Skywalker to enjoy.

We decided to head back to our car after Little Skywalker hang around the pond for a while. He did managed to see some tortoise and fishes swimming in the pond. The air is not as clean as we hoped to be as there were many cars moving in and out (not to mention some noisy and dirty motorcycles). As the walking path is just at the side of the main road, we took in quite an amount of smoke into our lungs. So much for green environment! We left the FRIM with a disappointed heart. Maybe we'll drive in on our next trip, thereby contributing to the noise and air pollution!

I managed to find a map (click to see bigger map) of FRIM at their website this morning. I think you all should take a look at it before you decide to go for a visit. Remember to drive you car in if you are going with toddlers. Otherwise, it will be quite dangerous and hazardous to their health!

p/s: Egghead's profile picture is contributed by non-other than the ever creative Twinsmom!

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/22/2006 10:47:00 AM :: and invited 13 Blah(s):

13 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Lazymama, Blogger Oscar's Mommy, Blogger Jess, Blogger ZMM, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger 1+2mom, Blogger Milly, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Bkworm, Blogger Egghead, Blogger Irene,

Blah Something...


Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Some dialogs that took place at our living yesterday evening...

LS: *holding a SLVR 6 brochure on one hand and my C100 in another* Same! 一样的!
E: *continue watching TV*
J: Eh... I think he is trying to say something...
LS: Same! 一样的!
E: Huh? 什么一样的? (What is same?)
LS: *putting my C100 on top of the brochure* Neh! 一样的! Same!
E: Oooooh! Yeah! 一样的! 是咯! 厉害蜗! (You're right, same one! Clever boy!)

He was referring to the similarity of my C100 when compared to the picture of the SLVR 6 printed on the brochure.


I would usually put Little Skywalker on my lap every evening when we got home and talk about his day with him (asking him whether he was a good boy, whether he went gai-gai, whether he is full, any pain pain here and there etc.). Yesterday, he managed to steer our usual topic somewhere else...

LS: 做什么有 hole 的? (Why got hole one?)
E: 什么 hole? (What hole?)
LS: *pointing at the holes in my shirt* Neh! 这个 hole... (This hole!)
E: 是咯! 有 hole hor? 做什么 hah? (Yeah lor, got hole hor? Why ah?)
LS: 做什么 hah? (Why hah?)
E: Mummy lor! 你去问她做什么有 hole 的? (You go ask mummy why got hole?)
LS: *climb down from my lap and headed towards J at the kitchen shouting* Mummy! Hole! Papa hole!

It's really amazing watching him pick up his speech so fast nowadays! We can almost strike a normal dialog with him as if he is a three years old already. Hope to learn more about him as he learns how to further express himself...

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/21/2006 08:37:00 AM :: and invited 13 Blah(s):

13 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Jess, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger ZMM, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger Lazymama, Blogger shiaulin, Blogger jazzmint, Blogger 1+2mom, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...


Monday, March 20, 2006

Holes in Lips!

Our lazy Little Skywalker decided to get off the sofa like an adult (facing forward). He does this once in a while when he is too excited or distracted. Unfortunately, he is not that lucky last Thursday. He fell and hurt his lips (probably bitten himself). J and I were shocked to see his bruised lips when we came back from work. However, he is already OK by then and didn't mind the two additional holes on his lower lip.

Throughout the weekend, he was a bit more "manja" than usual when it comes to eating and drinking. He will point to his injured lips and say "pain pain" when we give him something salty (like McD's fries). At some point, he will try to scratch his lips and we had to stop him by giving him some ice cubes to ease his itchiness. As of this morning, his lips are more or less fully recovered. Let's hope he doesn't try his brave stunt again...

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/20/2006 09:13:00 AM :: and invited 16 Blah(s):

16 Blah(s) by: Blogger geeth, Blogger Jess, Blogger Contented Mum, Blogger ZMM, Blogger shiaulin, Blogger Lazymama, Blogger mama2jojo, Blogger Mumsgather, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger mom2ashley, Blogger King's wife, Blogger Unknown, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Egghead, Blogger Allyfeel,

Blah Something...


Friday, March 17, 2006

Yes Minister - Official Reply

A minister was looking at the huge pile of paper work that is on his IN tray and whining about it to his secretary.

M: Minister ; S:Secretary

M: What am I suppose to do with all these correspondence?

S: You do realize you don't actually have to.

M: Don't I?

S: Not if you don't want to, we can draft an official reply.

M: what's an official reply?

S: It just say the minister thank you for your letter and say something like "the matter is under consideration". Or even if the need be, "under active consideration".

M: What is the difference?

S: Well, under consideration means that we've lost the file. Under active consideration means that we are trying to find it. You just have to transfer all the letters from your IN tray to the OUT tray, put a brief note to mark if you wish to see a reply, and if you don't, you need never see or hear of it again....

M: You mean seriously to say that if I transfer everything from here (*pointing to the IN tray) to here (*pointing to the OUT tray) without even reading it, that's all I have to do?

S: Yes!

M: It will be dealt with?

S: Precisely!

M: Properly?

S: Immaculately!

p/s: No wonder all the newspaper ever shown are official replies... LOL!

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/17/2006 09:30:00 AM :: and invited 3 Blah(s):

3 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Unknown, Blogger Oscar's Mommy,

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Thursday, March 16, 2006

You Got A Problem?!

Young Little Skywalker loves to imitate whatever we do in front of him. He will repeat what we say (or even what the TV characters say) although we are talking to other people. Most of the time, he would just imitate our actions, a good example would be pretending to answer a call and continue talking on the phone.

We have just finished our dinner at one of the restaurant last weekend and I decided to use a toothpick to clean my teeth. Little Skywalker saw this and he wanted a toothpick as well. Since we are trying to train his fine motor skills, I decided to give him one (with the sharp end broken off of course). As usual, he will imitate his father on the ways of using a light saber toothpick. He even tried to hold the toothpick in his mouth and gave us a "What are you looking at?" kinda gangster look later.

He is a great entertainer, isn't he?

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/16/2006 08:20:00 AM :: and invited 11 Blah(s):

11 Blah(s) by: Blogger Oscar's Mommy, Blogger Lazymama, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger ZMM, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger Jess, Blogger Tracy, Blogger lisaOne, Blogger geeth, Blogger shiaulin, Blogger mom2ashley,

Blah Something...


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Bottoms Up!

It may come natural for most toddlers to drink milk from a bottle, and most likely holding their own bottle by the time they approach the age of two. Unfortunately, it is not the case for our Little Skywalker who has been breastfeed for almost 20 months now. My parents (his babysitters) feed him formula milk using a cup and a spoon during the day, while my wife, J would breastfeed him to bed during the night. Since two months ago, J started to feed him at least 2-3 ounces of formula from the bottle every night. It will take him at least 15 minutes to finish that small amount of formula as he prefers to suck directly from the breast.

As for me, I will man-handle Little Skywalker every Saturday morning by myself as my wife is working half day. It is surprisingly much easier for me to "make" him drink out of a bottle if I shower him with enough distractions. Typical stuff that can make him "high" are Friends theme song MTV, The Sound of Music, the spinning fan, Chicken Little, empty promises to bring him out for "gai gai" etc. On a good day (like last Saturday), he will even hold on to the milk bottle by himself and drink from it without any "encouragement and persuasion" from his daddy.

As a boy, I hope he can stop being so clingy to his mother's breast and start to accept the fact that he will be on the bottle only soon. We really hope that he will be fully off breast milk by the time he reaches his second birthday. It's only less than four months from now, do wish us luck!

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/15/2006 08:50:00 AM :: and invited 17 Blah(s):

17 Blah(s) by: Blogger Jess, Blogger Milly, Blogger lisaOne, Blogger Lazymama, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger 1+2mom, Blogger Tracy, Blogger Allyfeel, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger ZMM, Blogger jazzmint, Blogger mom2ashley, Blogger Irene, Blogger Egghead, Blogger geeth, Blogger Min Chan, Blogger shiaulin,

Blah Something...


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Secret of Egghead

Many people have asked where did I got my cool nickname (*ahem) from, but not many (I mean twinsmom) can come up with creative guesses like this...

Once upon a time... in a galaxy far far away... blah blah blah... Little Skywalker approached his father after dinner...

p/s: reproduced without the slightest permission of the original author

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/14/2006 07:22:00 AM :: and invited 25 Blah(s):

25 Blah(s) by: Blogger Lazymama, Blogger domesticgoddess, Blogger Oscar's Mommy, Blogger Milly, Blogger shiaulin, Blogger VP, Blogger Jess, Blogger geeth, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger ZMM, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger mama2jojo, Blogger Tracy, Blogger jazzmint, Blogger Papi, Blogger 1+2mom, Blogger Allyfeel, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger mom2ashley, Blogger Pearl Wong-Tey, Blogger Irene, Blogger Greenapple, Blogger Egghead, Blogger Chinneeq,

Blah Something...


Monday, March 13, 2006

Yes Minister - Standard Response

The four-stage strategy in the standard foreign office response in the time of crisis, but in our case, any kinda situation that needs government intervention!

Stage 1:
Don't worry, nothing is going to happen!

Stage 2:
Something is going to happen, but we should do nothing about it!

Stage 3:
Maybe we should do something about it, but there's nothing we can do!

Stage 4:
Maybe there's something we could have done, but it's all too late now...

No wonder our country is going down like the Titanic... slowly but surely :(

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/13/2006 11:40:00 AM :: and invited 8 Blah(s):

8 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Oscar's Mommy, Blogger jazzmint, Blogger Contented Mum, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger geeth, Blogger Egghead, Blogger ZMM,

Blah Something...



又是另一个礼拜天, 最惨的还是必须决定要到哪里去走走. 前一晚已经去了 "jut-go", 也该换换地方了. 老婆帮小的冲凉过后便帮他换上了 "外出衣着", 预备好了一切, 过后便明示我去冲凉准备. 哎! 都还没有决定去哪里呢! 没办法, 只好硬着脸皮往冲凉房去了...

上了车子, 我俩都还没决定要去哪儿, 就已经开车行驶了, 干脆让小的操控驾驶盘来决定他要去的目的地吧! 吉隆坡真的那么少外出的地方了吗? 真可悲... 有打算到 1U 的 Kidsport 去的, 不过我们又忘了带鞋袜, 所以泡汤了. 最后, 我把车子驶到了 Ikano Power Centre, 因为那边有三四间超级市场连接在一起, 不会那么闷!

小冬瓜也蛮乖巧的... 他一手牵着妈妈的手, 另一边又牵着爸爸的手, 带着两位 "老的" 朝着他想去的方向走. 我们也真的赐给他太多的自主权了吧! 这么年轻就会牵着父母的 "鼻子" 走了. 也难怪他的, 谁叫我夫妻俩那么没主见? 走过好几间餐厅后, 决定在一间叫 "Big Ben" 的地方用午餐 (其他的餐厅都没小猫几只). 那边的食物真不错, 服务也蛮快而准, 小的还向一个大他好几岁的可爱小女生搭讪呢! 真的拿他没办法, 人小鬼大!!

填饱了肚子, 我们就上到底楼逛逛, 消磨时光. 那儿人山人海, 原来大众书局在那儿开了个书展. 我们也不 "拾输" 到文具部看看有什么东西可以买. 老婆则带了小冬瓜到一摊小孩教学玩具前让他开开眼界. 我原本还打算买一俩个 CD 盒来装车子上的一大堆 CD, 不过看到一大群 "怕输" 的人群在收银机前排得长长的, 算了吧!

小冬瓜也开始乱了, 大概是因为没什么有趣的东西给他玩吧! 走下走下也过了三小时了, 於是就打算去厕所让小的上一号, 然后就回家了. 老婆带来小的去厕所后, 把他交给我, 就轮到她去. 我带了调皮的小冬瓜, 走着走着, 突然让我看到了一张熟悉的脸孔, 再望一望, 又多了两张小脸孔. 小冬瓜似乎比我还要快一步, 他已经潮那两张小脸孔的方向跑去了!

我所见到的人是双喜之爸啦! 他似乎不认得我, 也不在乎我的小冬瓜在骚扰他的双喜. 我也不好意思自我介绍 (男人的通病吧!), 於是两位可怜的爸爸就站在那儿默默的看着三个小孩陶醉在他们的世界里. 没见到双喜之妈, 我想也许她在附近买东西吧! 老婆也是的, 她看到小冬瓜在跟另外两位小姐姐争东西时, 吓了一跳, 问我在搞什么! 我对她说, "你看清楚是谁了没?", 她才醒目过来...

因为两位爸爸还在害羞阶段, 我便走到附近的电话店让眼睛吃吃冰淇淋. 老婆则继续陪小的和他的两位女朋友寒喧一翻. 一会儿后, 救星 (双喜之妈) 终於到了! 由於我们两家人都准备回家了, 所以只交谈了一下子就告别了. 今早读了的文稿才知道原来双喜之爸还真的不记得我了... 哈哈!

走向我们放车的地方途中, 小冬瓜似乎学会新的方法来折磨他双亲似的, 我看他是喜欢我们一人抓他的一边手, 好让他荡秋千. 所以他就拼命把他的脚缩起来, 向前后荡着荡着. 真的辛苦我俩了!

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/13/2006 09:31:00 AM :: and invited 14 Blah(s):

14 Blah(s) by: Blogger Milly, Blogger Loc Kee, Blogger ZMM, Blogger Jess, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger 1+2mom, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger Lazymama, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Lazymama, Blogger shiaulin, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...


Friday, March 10, 2006

Yes Minister - Part 1

I have indulged in 30 years old British sitcom called "Yes Minister". I will start a new series of posts on some of the stuff I found funny but nevertheless TRUE!

What a Prime Minister's job entails:

  • there's lots of things that people wants you to do...
  • and there are lots of things that you should do...
  • and then there's also a number of things you can do...
  • but... there's really very few things that you have to do

National Defense Policy

A: What do you think is the purpose of our national defense policy?
B: To defend our country of course!
A: No! It is to make people believe that our country is defended...
B: You mean our enemies?
A: No! Not our enemies... but our own citizens!

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/10/2006 04:10:00 PM :: and invited 7 Blah(s):

7 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Jess, Blogger ZMM, Blogger Admin, Blogger Oscar's Mommy, Blogger Egghead, Blogger Allyfeel,

Blah Something...


My Jumbo!

Few weeks ago, we took Little Skywalker to Mutiara Damansara area for our weekend window-shopping. It seems like there weren't any place for him to have some fun. Hence, we decided to let him ride on one of those motorbike animals which he had been begging since the first time he saw them. We didn't let him go on one of those ride previously because it was quite costly (RM3 per ride) and we risk wasting the money for nothing as he may still have some fear of riding a bike. Since he had gone pass his own bike-phoebia, we thought it was time for him to try out something new! Look how happy he is!

p/s: he has yet to master the steering "wheel" and still needs help from his parents to avoid crashing into everyone and everything!

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/10/2006 08:10:00 AM :: and invited 18 Blah(s):

18 Blah(s) by: Blogger Lazymama, Blogger VP, Blogger shiaulin, Blogger ZMM, Blogger geeth, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Contented Mum, Blogger Jess, Blogger shoppingmum, Blogger Oscar's Mommy, Blogger Tracy, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Pearl Wong-Tey, Blogger 1+2mom, Blogger Sue, Blogger Egghead, Blogger Allyfeel,

Blah Something...


Thursday, March 09, 2006

So Long... Farewell!

It's almost bed time, but J and I were still watching TV at the living hall. Suddenly, Little Skywalker got up and walked towards the staircase leading up to the bedroom...
He yelled out: Mami, go bom bom... upstairs... ooi ooi ler!

FYI, we usually take our baths before we go to bed at night, is just a habit since our son sweat easily even when he run around under the fan. Then, the Von Trapp magic kicked in...
He sang: So long... farewell...

I quickly took out my FX7 and capture these precious moments!
(pictures sequence from left-right, top-down)

p/s: Yeah, he did all his act butt naked!

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/09/2006 07:54:00 AM :: and invited 17 Blah(s):

17 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Lazymama, Blogger geeth, Blogger Contented Mum, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger ZMM, Blogger Jess, Blogger jazzmint, Blogger shoppingmum, Blogger Tracy, Blogger 1+2mom, Blogger mom2ashley, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Egghead, Blogger shiaulin, Blogger Greenapple,

Blah Something...


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Toast to the Ladies!

Received a forwarded email (no, not from J) reminding me that today is International Women's Day! The global theme for this year is "Inspiring Potential". As for the guys, you might be interested to know about the following truth about the ladies...

Common (mis)Belief:
She’ll never be satisfied!
The Truth:
Women are always looking for ways to make things better. Don’t take her suggestions as complaints or criticisms, but as her desire to make the relationship or situation the best that it can be.

Common (mis)Belief:
A strong, confident woman doesn't need a man to take care of her.
The Truth:
Everyone loves to be taken care of and to feel needed. Even if a woman can fix things around the house or change the oil in her car, she will still ask for your help so she can feel your strength, support and protection. Don’t ever stop asking, “What can I do for you?” because it shows her that you care.

Common (mis)Belief:
Women only want to control men!
The Truth:
It’s not about control; it’s about love. When a woman sees a man hurting, struggling or overwhelmed, her goal is to help, not control. Let her give you a helping hand.

Common (mis)Belief:
Keeping a woman requires a lot of hard work, time and money!
The Truth:
A serious relationship requires time and effort to cultivate it. You shouldn’t look at it as a burden. Your wife or girlfriend will reciprocate the effort you put into it.

Common (mis)Belief:
You can't lie to women
The Truth:
Women are extremely capable of picking up moods and attitudes and can easily read body language and facial expressions. Although you may think that you have gotten away with a great lie, she is either letting it slide because she wants to keep the peace, or she is lying to herself because she’s afraid of the truth.

Common (mis)Belief:
Jealous and possessiveness are a part of being woman.
The Truth:
Women are protective of what belongs to them. They protect the things they value, especially when it comes to relationships. It’s not that she doesn’t trust you; she is guarding the relationship. You are too precious to her for her to allow anything bad to happen.

Common (mis)Belief:
Women are emotional!
The Truth:
Women don’t hide their feelings.They articulate what’s going on in their minds. There’s nothing wrong with emotions—we all have them. Being in touch with their emotions causes women to be sensitive and caring, and that’s why men love them.

This is dedicated to my wife and all women out there!
Happy Women's Day!

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/08/2006 02:30:00 PM :: and invited 9 Blah(s):

9 Blah(s) by: Blogger ZMM, Blogger Lazymama, Blogger geeth, Blogger Unknown, Blogger Contented Mum, Blogger Allyfeel, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...


Kids Sport Day!

I almost forgot about this...

About a month ago, we brought Little Skywalker to the well known (in blogsphere at least) Kids Sport at 1 Utama. Since no one had told us that socks are compulsory for children as well as adults entering Kids Sport, we had to buy a pair of socks for J and Little Skywalker from Jusco. So for you guys who are planning to bring your kids there, remember to bring your own socks!

Like all the other kids his age, Little Skywalker enjoyed the ball pool very much. He spent almost half an hour "soaked" between the colorful balls and throwing them out. The next thing that caught his attention was the slides. No, not the small one in the video below, but the multi-step slides that are meant for older children. J must have carried him up and down the slides for more than 10 times before she got too tired maneuvering past all the hyperactive kids. Since I did not enter the playground with them, I hardly taken any photos for him. However, I did managed to video capture him happily sliding into the pool.

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/08/2006 08:20:00 AM :: and invited 14 Blah(s):

14 Blah(s) by: Blogger Lazymama, Blogger Sebastian's mommy, Blogger Contented Mum, Blogger VP, Blogger Bkworm, Blogger shoppingmum, Blogger ZMM, Blogger geeth, Blogger Oscar's Mommy, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger Loc Kee, Blogger Egghead, Anonymous Anonymous,

Blah Something...
