Little Luke "Skywalker"

Monday, March 20, 2006

Holes in Lips!

Our lazy Little Skywalker decided to get off the sofa like an adult (facing forward). He does this once in a while when he is too excited or distracted. Unfortunately, he is not that lucky last Thursday. He fell and hurt his lips (probably bitten himself). J and I were shocked to see his bruised lips when we came back from work. However, he is already OK by then and didn't mind the two additional holes on his lower lip.

Throughout the weekend, he was a bit more "manja" than usual when it comes to eating and drinking. He will point to his injured lips and say "pain pain" when we give him something salty (like McD's fries). At some point, he will try to scratch his lips and we had to stop him by giving him some ice cubes to ease his itchiness. As of this morning, his lips are more or less fully recovered. Let's hope he doesn't try his brave stunt again...

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/20/2006 09:13:00 AM :: and invited 16 Blah(s):

16 Blah(s) by: Blogger geeth, Blogger Jess, Blogger Contented Mum, Blogger ZMM, Blogger shiaulin, Blogger Lazymama, Blogger mama2jojo, Blogger Mumsgather, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger mom2ashley, Blogger King's wife, Blogger Unknown, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Egghead, Blogger Allyfeel,

Blah Something...
