Friday, March 30, 2007
Vacation for ThreeFinally, it's vacation time again!
Come Monday, we will be heading up to our favourite place for a short vacation. A couple of days ago (after her first trip there with her daughters), Zara's Mama told me a couple of days ago she finally realised why we love to bring Little Skywalker to Genting so often (twice a year only mah!). For us, it's the tri-factor that counts: cold weather, fun rides and cheap accommodations (thanks to subsidies from the casino business)!
We will be enjoying the cooling weather and the fun rides on top of the hill until Wednesday. This would probably be our last family trip of three because J will most likely not enjoy traveling anymore as her tummy grows bigger each day. Our next trip will include a new member in the family!
Can't wait!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/30/2007 08:35:00 AM :: and invited 13 Blah(s):

13 Blah(s) by: Sue, Shannon, Mumsgather, Jessie Woo, ZMM, mom2ashley, 1+2mom, becky's mum, LHS, Sasha Tan, Unknown, chanelwong, domesticgoddess, Share
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Their Felicity Moment - Part 2...continued from Part 1
The wedding started with the announcement by the MC that the entourage would be entering the ballroom. They entered slowly in a step-by-step movement. It's kinda funny since it's the first time we saw something like that. But, I guess it gives the photographers ample opportunities to shoot.
After everyone was in place, the couple exchanged their wedding vows, followed by the wedding rings. It was a touching moment as both of them almost broke down. I hope Greenapple would publish their vows soon so that you can have a read at it. The entourage left the hall after the ceremony as the buffet lunch started.
We enjoyed the buffet very much as the food is very delicious. Little Skywalker enjoyed the desert most because I picked up plenty of strawberries which were served aplenty at the fruit section. The little fella even finished a full glass of champagne (sparkling fruit juice of course)!
As the dance floor opened up, the newly-wed couple was given the honour of leading the first dance. Too bad both J and I don't know how to dance, otherwise we might join in :P
After his meal, Little Skywalker followed the two Belles, running around with their balloons. In fact, both the Belles were so tired afterwards that they fell asleep (one of her mother's lap and one in her mother's arms). Unfortunately, our Little Skywalker was still as active as ever!
Some souveniors we got back from their felicity wedding...
We like to wish both Mr and Mrs Tomato all the best in their new life together as a married couple!!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/28/2007 11:44:00 AM :: and invited 7 Blah(s):

7 Blah(s) by: laundryamah, Allyfeel, Sasha Tan, 1+2mom, LHS, Ms One Boobie , mommy of 3 angels, Share
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Their Felicity Moment - Part 1Felicity - state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy

The wedding of Ms Greenapple and Mr Tomato took place at Cyberview Lodge. J and I are both honoured to receive our invitation when we met them for the first time at TGI's Friday a week earlier. We were more than happy to accommodate Twinsmom (with her Belles) and Shiaulin (and her Xuan) in our car as both their husbands will not be attending. It's been a while since we last met up for a chat.

Waiter: Drink, sir?
Me: Hmmm... what drink is this?
W: It's a welcome drink.
Me: Of course it is, but what type of drink is this?
W: I have no idea.
Me: Is it alcoholic?
W: No.
Me: Thanks.
As the bridesmaids came by the reception desk, I went ahead and check for our tables. To my surprise, the seating arrangement were so well planned that everyone was assigned to specific seats (as oppose to table only)! They even gave each and everyone a small piece of paper slip with their name and seat number on it! How amazing is that? It's like going to the cinema!

The ambience of the ballroom was very romantic indeed (Twinsmom managed to capture it very well), well suited for the theme of the day - Our Felicity Wedding. Everyone was given a handmade fan-like souvenior with different wedding picture of the lucky couple. There was also a big five-tier cake on one end stage, and it's a real cake! On the other end, there was a small but beautifully decorated multi-tier glass platform with a big candle on the top. You can see blue and white balloons "floating" everywhere to the kids delight!
To be continued...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/27/2007 08:17:00 AM :: and invited 3 Blah(s):

3 Blah(s) by: Sue, LHS, ZMM, Share
Monday, March 26, 2007
Their Felicity Moment (Sneak Preview)Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/26/2007 09:21:00 AM :: and invited 1 Blah(s):

1 Blah(s) by: LHS, Share
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Greenapple and TomatoLittle Skywalker would remember Ms Greenapple as the "auntie" who sent him an "big Elmo book" for his last birthday. Although he has never met her, he would mention her "name" every time we asked him about the person who gave him the book...
As many of you know, Ms Greenapple and her fiancé, Tomato are back in the country, and they will be getting married this weekend! Before their trip back here, both Greenapple and I have already agreed to meet up before her wedding despite her busy schedule. After a few cancellations and postponement, we finally met up with her and Tomato at The Curve last Sunday.
After Tomato went and got the replacement batteries for their camera, Greenapple just cannot stop taking pictures of our active monkey boy! Knowing he is in the spot light, Little Skywalker was jumping and climbing all over the place. You can almost hear his giggle and laughter from a mile away! He really enjoyed himself thoroughly and fell asleep on my shoulders before we even reach our car.
Both J and I wish to thank Greenapple and Tomato for giving more presents to Little Skywalker. They are really pampering him! It has been a blast meeting up with the lovely couple and we wish them the very best in their coming wedding as well as their future undertakings as husband and wife! I am sure both of them will make a perfect couple as well as loving parents (looking at the way they handled Little Skywalker).
p/s: You can read more about our meet-up at Greenapple's. Oh yeah! Both J and I are not as good as what she has described... LOL!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/22/2007 09:30:00 AM :: and invited 4 Blah(s):

4 Blah(s) by: LHS, ZMM, Allyfeel, MayY . C 五月媽媽, Share
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Ring! Ring!Ever since his first ride on the bicycle with me (and helped by the fact that he witness my little brother riding a bicycle to school every day), Little Skywalker has been asking for a bicycle of his own. I think he is also getting bored with his ol' Harley and wanted to try something more "grown up" instead.
We try to get one for him from Carrefour, but all the models that suited him were either out of stock or defected. It's was frustrating! Finally, we brought him to a bicycle shop last weekend to try our luck. After some trial runs, he finally settled for one. Actually, he wanted a battery-powered car (which cost 6x the bicycle), but we
He went round and round the living room riding on his new bicycle . At first, he thought that his bicycle could perform a reverse function (similar to his ol' Harley) by reversing the direction of his pedaling. After we told him otherwise, he would come down and do a "manual reverse" every time he ride into a corner. He would also ring his bells while he cycles around.
After completing his ride, he would park his bicycle together with his other mode of transportations at his so-called "car parking lot"...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/20/2007 08:15:00 AM :: and invited 9 Blah(s):

9 Blah(s) by: Sue, LHS, chanelwong, geeth, mom2ashley, jazzmint, Duckie, Allyfeel, Irene, Share
Thursday, March 15, 2007
NameWith our second one on the way, J and I are trying to prepare ourselves to accommodate a new member in the family. As for Little Skywalker, he is getting more clingy and whiny by the day, as if he can sense the impending fact that he will no longer be the "King of the House" anymore. Furthermore, he has yet to be fully trained to sleep on his own bed.
One of the pre-delivery homework we could do is to come up with a name for our second son. Actually, we need to come up with two names, one in Chinese and another in English. The Chinese one is pretty straight-forward as we want to maintain the similarities between the two siblings. So, all we need to do is to replace the last character of Little Skywalker's name to with another character. Our second son's name will be exactly the same as one of the young and famous
As for his English name, it's a bit trickier. You see, I have always wanted to name at least one of my son David. However, I made the mistake of suggesting it to my parents when my youngest brother was born. Otherwise, Little Skywalker would be carrying that name instead. J thought it would be nice if our second son's name to be a single syllable one, just like his BIG brother. As of this morning, we have settled for Sean, for now.
Meanwhile, the following took place last week...
J: What's your name?
L: Lum Jun Wei Wei!
J: Your Didi leh? What's his name?
L: Lum Jun Di Di!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/15/2007 07:24:00 AM :: and invited 17 Blah(s):

17 Blah(s) by: , , , , Jess, Papi, geeth, chanelwong, Sasha Tan, Mumsgather, , , Unknown, Irene, jazzmint, LHS, Buaya69, Share
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Together-GatherAs mentioned, I attended the Together-Gather Bloggers Party last Friday at the Skyroom, Federal Hotel. Since I was going alone, I car-pooled with James and Mae. Come to think of it, it was indeed a wise decision as we were stuck in a crazy TGIF jam. It took us almost two hours to reach the venue. If I were to be driving alone, I would have turned back half way.
Our kind CEO, Sasha helped us to check in earlier
The night went on games (some involving condoms and bra straps), many rounds of lucky draws and of course, countless number of flash lights from every corner of the room. As for me, I got the chance to meet many bloggers for the first time, as well as some familiar faces. You can see almost everyone in the group photo that was taken by ShaolinTiger.
Time just went by just like that. Before I knew it, our table was the last table left while everyone has either went home or for a drink. It's true that birds of a feather flock together. The bloggers who converge on our table were all parents. They were 5xmom, Simon, LaundryAmah, Sasha, Mott, James & Mae, LinPeh, Loc Kee. Our topics were revolved mainly around kids (big surprise!) and Korean dramas.
Everyone took their leave close to midnight. The party was a huge success thanks to Wingz and his working committee, not forgetting all the sponsors as well. Hopefully there will be a bigger one next year! (can hear the sound of Wingz fainting)
p/s: Wife's comment on group photo "all big size one except u"... LOL!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/13/2007 08:26:00 AM :: and invited 13 Blah(s):

13 Blah(s) by: , Wingz, Sasha Tan,, , jazzmint, Jess, chanelwong, Boss Stewie, ckyeo, , Irene, Allyfeel, Share
Friday, March 09, 2007
Plain RudeNo matter how anyone view this, this is just plain rude, idiotic, uncivilized and stupid! Especially when it came out of a Minister, on International Women's Day.
In case you could not read Chinese, our so-called Tourism Minister condemn every blogger as big time liars! Furthermore, he goes on stereotyping (in a negative way I presume) that 80% of all bloggers are unemployed women! Then, he went on to say that:
"All bloggers do not like to see a united nation. Our country have progressed this far because we tolerate each other. Otherwise, civil war would have broken out. Malays will kill Chinese, Chinese will avenge on the Malays, Indians would kill everyone."
What a way to promote Malaysia as a tourist destination during Visit Malaysia Year!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/09/2007 08:23:00 AM :: and invited 8 Blah(s):

8 Blah(s) by: Jess, mom2ashley, Sasha Tan, , Ms Fair Face, , Tracy, King's wife, Share
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Bash of the Year!
You'll be amazed to look at the list of the sponsorship that the organizers have received. Big names such as PIKOM, Digi and TNB have came onboard! Our own local blog-queen 5xmom is also a sponsor! Remember to ask for a big ang-pow when you greet her!
I know it's too late to register for the event now, but you can still try your luck and remain in the waiting list. As the organizer said, many have yet to pay their registration fee yet. Hence, you'll never know...
Little Skywalker and J will not be accompanying me to the event. Hence, I will be tagging along James's car to Federal Hotel. As far as I know, Sasha and Mott are going as well.
Are you going to be part of this historic event as well?
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/08/2007 08:33:00 AM :: and invited 4 Blah(s):

4 Blah(s) by: Sasha Tan, , Jessie Woo, Mumsgather, Share
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Talking ToughOn one of the nights during CNY, I was hanging out our laundry at the porch area. Little Skywalker was doing his busy-body thingy as usual by walking around. A lady and her kids opposite our house were playing with some firecrackers. Little Skywalker was quite excited at first, he even ask to bring out his own "pop-pop" in order to join in the fun. He was happily throwing his own "pops" on the floor and enjoying those tiny little "explosive" feedback.
Like all good things, it didn't last. The firecrackers that our neighbours' kids were playing began to get louder, fancier, more unpredictable and a little too much to our son's liking. Little Skywalker was beginning to feel uneasy eventhough he was watching behind the gate. He kept inching closer and closer towards where I was standing, without showing his actual sense of fear though.
Then, out of no where, he put on a brave face and went up to the gates and began to give "warnings" to the kids that were taking the fun out of his night. You cannot imagine the stuff that came out of him:
- Ooi! 不要酱玩! (Don't play like this!)
- Ooi! 很夜了咯! (Very late already lor!)
- Ooi! 几点了! 不要玩咯! (What time now? Stop playing already!)
- Ooi! 十点了咯! Dark dark了! 去睡觉! (It's 10 o'clock lor! Go to bed!)
- Ooi! 做么你们不听话的? 不要 naughty 啦! (Why don't you listen to me?)
A few minutes later, the lady decided to call it a night and brought his boys back into their house. Well, at least Little Skywalker did manage to get rid of all the smoke that was coming into our house with all his "tough talk" etc... LOL!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/06/2007 08:15:00 AM :: and invited 11 Blah(s):

11 Blah(s) by: Jess, , , , Sasha Tan, ZMM, jazzmint, TheBlueRanger, , Jessie Woo, , Share
Friday, March 02, 2007
Cry Baby
Due to the protective environment that he was brought up, our little boy tends to be more of a cry baby. Maybe that's not the accurate term to describe him, I would say that he is sentimental or full of emotions. His mood swings are worse than women in PMS! He can demonstrate hundreds of different emotions within a single day, be it happy, angry, jealous, sad, scared etc.
While we were watching Superman Returns a couple of nights ago, his sentimental side went on full swing! When we reached the part where the superhero-who-wears-his-red-underpants-on-the-outside saved the 777 aircraft from crashing, nothing could distract his undivided attention to the screen. He didn't even paid as much attention to his own shows. Towards the end of the movie, where the main character were seen defeated and hospitalized, he sobbed (with tears flowing) uncontrollably although we convinced him to wait and see that his hero will be OK!
Little Skywalker is also the type who likes to escape from reality (especially when facing his fears). Like any kid out there, he dislikes anything that matches the description of "monsters". This is no thanks to his parents who took every opportunity to instill some fear in him in order to discipline him. This is evident even when it comes to watching his cartoons. For example, he will request to switch to a different show when Pinocchio was about to be swallowed by a whale. LOL!
Such a cry baby... and a really sentimental little fella...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 3/02/2007 08:00:00 AM :: and invited 10 Blah(s):

10 Blah(s) by: Duckie, Shannon, , Jess, Sasha Tan, , Kampungkai, , , chanelwong, Share