Little Luke "Skywalker"

Monday, November 28, 2005

Almost A Bad Saturday!

Last Saturday was the worst Saturday for me since Little Skywalker was born. It almost turned out to be a disaster evening for me if not for the real good afternoon time with Little Skywalker (will blog about it later as I believe in giving the bad news first).

As I said before, J will be attending her friend's vegetarian wedding dinner at a temple at night. Hence, I have to fetch her to Bricksfield at 7pm and back at around 9 something. I have thought of calling up one of my "girl-friend" to help me fill in the time in between. One of them actually agreed to come along. Unfortunately, she called to cancel last minute as her future in-laws invited her for a dinner. She really left me in the cold!

I was supposed to fetch my sister from the airport, who is coming back from Venice that same night. My parents ended up have to do the job (happily) as her flight arrived at 9pm. They took Little Skywalker along as well and I ended up being alone the whole evening. Sigh!

On the way bringing Little Skywalker to my parents', J and I actually brought up the idea of J dropping off the "Ang Pau" and give some excuse to take off immediately. However, due to my mother's influence, J ended up going to the dinner.

The map printed on the invitation card was kinda lousy and I had to use my super-intelligent brain to navigate through the Bangsar area and finally arrived at the really busy Jalan Tun Sambanthan. It took us almost 45 minutes to reach there because of the Saturday-Night-Fever traffic. It was already close to 7.30pm when we arrived, but the dinner has yet to start although the invitation card printed 6.30pm.

After dropping J off, I was thinking of where to have my dinner. While thinking and driving, I ended up heading back to somewhere near my parents' place again. I finally settled for a out-door food court at Kepong with a Malay supermarket next to it, so that I can have a place to walk about after dinner. It took me about 30 minutes to finish my dinner (due to the hot soup I ordered). After that, I went in the supermarket to check on the prices of some stuff that we wanted to buy. After 15 minutes, I ended up buying some soaps, a toothbrush, a pair of toothpaste and a carton of 100 Plus (RM1 cheaper than those hypermart).

After loading the stuff in the car, I headed back to fetch J. This time there was not much traffic and I managed to arrive within 30 minutes. It was already 9.15pm when I arrived. I called J and she managed to cabut from the dinner so that her husband won't start jumping up-and-down in front of a temple. She was quite happy to see all the stuff that I bought because they were cheap compared to our usual shopping centres.

That ends my lonely Saturday night...

p/s: I actually thought of gate-crashing Twinsmom's birthday party for the Belles, but I forgot to print out a google-map... sigh!

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 11/28/2005 11:50:00 AM :: and invited 12 Blah(s):

12 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Babysmooches, Blogger Sue, Blogger ZMM, Blogger Lazymama, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger mom2ashley, Blogger Tracy, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Egghead, Blogger Egghead, Blogger shiaulin,

Blah Something...
