Little Luke "Skywalker"

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

God's Debris

I bought (actually I did not pay for it as J's brother sent it back from US) "God Debris" by Scott Adams a few months ago. I finished it almost immediately since the book actually traveled a few thousand miles across the Atlantic Ocean to my house. It was really interesting to read something different from the usual Dilbert comics from the author. I got to know about this book when I was browsing last year. Unfortunately, the book was not available at local MPH and I had to special order it to send to my BIL's place in US.

This morning, I read in Scott Adams' blog that the e-book version (PDF file) of God's Debris is being offered FREE of charge. I quote Scott's logic behind the surprise move:
I’m giving it away because I found out that most people who read it end up either recommending it or buying the paper version as gifts for other people. Why not get a copy for your laptop, so you have something to read next time you’re traveling? You can’t beat free.

As you can see, good things will sell itself no matter what! I hope the movie, music and software industry can take cue from the Dilbert's creator. If I want to enjoy a really good movie with superb sound and special effects, I would definitely go to the cinema (and even buy an original copy to keep if I can afford it). If I know of a really good music album, I would want to get hold of an original version (like the Elvis CD I got).

I fully recommend "God's Debris" to anyone who likes to indulge in what Scott Adams call "a thought experiment". In other words, everyone who is eat-full-nothing-to-do are welcomed to read the above mentioned title freely. Furthermore, you can look up the sequel book "Religion War" if you like "God's Debris". I doubt our government will allow "Religion War" to be sold at local bookstore as they are too dumb to differentiate between fiction and non-fiction. However, I do have a copy with me. I bought it together with "God's Debris".

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 11/22/2005 11:10:00 AM :: and invited 6 Blah(s):

6 Blah(s) by: Blogger Che-Cheh, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Egghead, Blogger ZMM, Blogger Babysmooches,

Blah Something...
