Little Luke "Skywalker"

Friday, November 18, 2005

Sing Along... - Part 2

previously on ER continue from Part 1...

Act 5
E: Humpty dumpty sat on the..
L: Wall!
E: Humpty dumpty had a great
L: Fall!
J: Wah! 酱厉害啊! teach mama! mama 不会!

One day, while we were thinking hard in the car what other songs to teach him, I suddenly remembered this song and J start singing two times to him. He listening interestingly and sang along the third time.

Act 6
J: London bride is falling..
L: Dong!
J: Falling..
L: Dong!
J: Falling..
L: (pause…gave J a "your-recorder-stuck-already-why-repeat-so-many-times" look) Dong………!
J: London bride is falling..
L: Dong!
J: My fair..
L: Lady lady lady! (repeated few times since mummy likes to repeat the same line too!)

Act 7
J: Ba ba black sheep have you any..
L: Wooooooooooooo!
J: Yes sir Yes Sir (Little Skywalker already nodding head) Three Bags..
L: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
J: Eh Egghead, what’s the next line ah?? I can’t remember the lyrics ler!
E: Don’t know.. ask Ah Wei :P
J: de de de...
L: terrrrrrrrr..
J: de de de...
L: mannnnnnn!
J: de de de de de de de de de...
L: ????
J: I need to go for nursery rhymes’ classes!!
L: ????

Act 8
J: Old McDonald had a farm..
L: Ieya Ieya Ieya Ieya Ooooooooooo!
J: And on the farm he had some cows..
L: Ieya Ieya Ieya Ieya Ooooooooooo!
J: And a moo moo here.. (*tickling L here and there)
L: Hahahahahhaa…….! (*Laughing hard and rolling on the bed)
J: And a moo moo there.. (*tickling L here and there again)
L: Haaaaaaaaahahaaaaaaaahaa! (*Laughing harder and kicking here and there)
J: Here moo there moo every mooo mooo..
L: Haakaahkakkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (*Laughing even harder and rolling and kicking and sweating all over)

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 11/18/2005 11:41:00 AM :: and invited 8 Blah(s):

8 Blah(s) by: Blogger Lazymama, Blogger Sue, Blogger shiaulin, Blogger Unknown, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Tracy, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...
