Little Luke "Skywalker"

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Simple Rules for Dating Bloggers

In relation to our upcoming "Bloggers Gathering at Kepong", I've come across an article that detailed some rules regarding dating a blogger.

After reading through it and not understanding most of it, I've decided to come up with some "guidelines" on some to-do and not-to-do when we meet up with other bloggers:

  1. Respect for Privacy and Anonymity
    Some bloggers do not wish for their (or even their children's) actual name or faces to be published in the public domain for various reasons. Hence, it it important that we obtain permission from everyone before we decide to publish them in our blog.
  2. Be Sporting
    Try to engage in lively discussion with everyone (not only a few particular ones) and try not to be easily offended. For all you know, others may just being humourous and too friendly. 凡事留点余地嘛! We will still be seeing each other a lot in the future, right?
  3. NO 18SX and 18PG!!
    Try to refrain from making dirty jokes or use vulgar words and swearing in your discussions if possible, especially when there are kids around. Otherwise, you might be blacklisted for future gatherings, and get your blog boy-cotted by PPS :P
  4. Everyone is equal in blogsphere
    Well, just because you blogs are more famous than others does not give you the right to patronize others. We should learn to be humble when it comes to socializing instead of behaving like a queen. Afterall, isn't this how respect and friendship are earned?
  5. Confirmed your attendance and keep your promise
    For the sake of the taking some pressure off the organizers, try to confirm you attendance in advance so that things can be planned easily. Keeping your promise is also important so that others won't wait up for someone who "fly kite/lepas kapal terbang/放飞机".
  6. Anyone care to add to this?

I hope this piece won't deter anyone from coming to our gathering :P

p/s: oh yeah! I have just finished registering a company for my freelance work (BTW, I am in the software development line). It's called "PrecisionSoft"! I am still waiting for someone to design a suitable logo for me, any takers? Hopefully can incorporate an egg into the logo :P

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/06/2005 01:25:00 AM :: and invited 5 Blah(s):

5 Blah(s) by: Blogger ZMM, Blogger Buaya69, Blogger Egghead, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...
