Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Protected: Imminent Changes - Part 1This is a password protected post due to its sensitive nature to 3rd parties.
Please proceed to this link for further reading.
You know where to find me to obtain the password :)
Hint: I can be reached through any online method :P
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/31/2007 08:41:00 AM :: and invited 3 Blah(s):

3 Blah(s) by: Claudia See-Yen Wallace, chanelwong, chooi peng, Share
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Snooze SchmoozeThanks to Bkworm for this award...

I am dedicating this award to my wife, my two sons, my parents, my friends... and the list goes back as far as my ancestors 18th generations ago. Without them, I wouldn't be here to receive my first
OK, enough with the 5 seconds fame. I am duplicating and passing the award to the next recipients...
- Greenapple - Best Godparents (non-Mafia related)
- James - Best Script Writting
- Twinsmom - Best Family Sitcom
- Jason - Best Mumbling
- Zara's and Zaria's Mama - Best In-laws
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/26/2007 07:07:00 AM :: and invited 3 Blah(s):

3 Blah(s) by: 双喜妈妈, Bkworm, ZMM, Share
Monday, July 23, 2007
Not Meant To BeIt was supposed to be our Transformers weekend!
It was supposed to be our fun family outing!
It was supposed to be Little Skywalker's happiest time of the week!
It was supposed to be J's last chance to enjoy before going back to work this morning!
It was supposed to be Little Sean's first time at a cinema!
J and I were left with these...
#2 was down with an induced fever due to his immunization shots on Friday. #1 was also down with a fever for unknown reason. They are really 难兄难弟, 同捞同煲!
#2 recovered after one night. #1 only recovered this morning after giving both their parents a sleepless weekend...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/23/2007 07:07:00 AM :: and invited 9 Blah(s):

9 Blah(s) by: Chinneeq, Greenapple, Shannon, Jess, chanelwong, jazzmint, Bkworm, Twin, ZMM, Share
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Gifts From GodparentsThis was last Friday...
I received a call from J while I was still in office, "Tell Greenapple that her package has arrived!". I quickly wrote an email to her as she was so worried that her package might be lost in the mail (since it was sent more than 2 months ago). It was a huge package, weighing 3.4kg!
We had to wait a day before Little Skywalker was back to open the box (he was at Genting attending a conference with my parents). As soon as he knew that the box was for him, he tried to find ways to tear it open.
After going through 2-3 layers of wrapping papers, he saw a big box of Lego that was meant for him. It was a belated birthday present for him, from his Godparents who live far far away.

His Lego set aside, Little Sean also got his fair share of gifts! ("Baby's First Handprint" and some toddler's toys).

Both of them received the cutest cards ever!

J and I can't express our gratitude enough to both Tomato and Greenapple...

Our boys are so blessed to have both of you as their Godparents...

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/19/2007 07:07:00 AM :: and invited 3 Blah(s):

3 Blah(s) by: ZMM, Greenapple, Annie Q, Share
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sleeping In StyleJotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/16/2007 04:27:00 PM :: and invited 9 Blah(s):

9 Blah(s) by: Irene, Vien, jazzmint, khongfamily, aawilliam, Sasha Tan, Shannon, ZMM, Annie Q, Share
Friday, July 13, 2007
Birthday + Full Moon = PhotosMore photos!
The ceremonious candle-blowing and cake-cutting...

The full-moon eggs and Little Skywalker's share of his cake...

And also featuring Little Skywalker's ever-joyful cousin, Tiffany!

That's how he turned three last weekend...
The ceremonious candle-blowing and cake-cutting...

The full-moon eggs and Little Skywalker's share of his cake...

And also featuring Little Skywalker's ever-joyful cousin, Tiffany!

That's how he turned three last weekend...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/13/2007 07:57:00 AM :: and invited 10 Blah(s):

10 Blah(s) by: Mumsgather, 双喜妈妈, Shannon, aawilliam, Sabrina, jazzmint, Chinneeq, Sasha Tan, Irene, annakin, Share
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Impossible Three!Little Skywalker turned from whiny two to impossible three last weekend!

He got a big party (along with his brother's full-moon) and plenty of presents!

No wonder he was so happy to pick up his "I am three years old!" line...

He got a big party (along with his brother's full-moon) and plenty of presents!

No wonder he was so happy to pick up his "I am three years old!" line...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/11/2007 07:44:00 AM :: and invited 6 Blah(s):

6 Blah(s) by: Sasha Tan, Shannon, Sue, Jess, aawilliam, Greenapple, Share
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Birthday + Full MoonToday, Little Sean will be exactly one month old!
We decided to throw a birthday and full moon bash last Saturday. Little did we realised that it was an auspicious day - the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th year of the new millennium!
Here are the cakes for both of them, courtesy of Mama Min...
To be continued...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/10/2007 08:03:00 AM :: and invited 6 Blah(s):

6 Blah(s) by: Jules, Sasha Tan, Chinneeq, Lazymama, jazzmint, ZMM, Share
Friday, July 06, 2007
Happy 3rd Birthday!!!Although other family members might divert more of their attention to Little Sean, Little Skywalker is still my favourite boy! And nothing will change that...
You are always the joyful and funny one!
You are a true blessing to us...
p/s: He is trying hard to fit into his brother's clothing. Perhaps he does not want to grow up...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/06/2007 01:52:00 PM :: and invited 12 Blah(s):

12 Blah(s) by: Shannon, aawilliam, Vien, Unknown, Tracy, Mumsgather, Annie Q, 1+2mom, Bkworm, Sasha Tan, MayY . C 五月媽媽, Twin, Share
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Best MomentsMoments like these are really hard to come by...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/04/2007 08:51:00 AM :: and invited 14 Blah(s):

14 Blah(s) by: chanelwong, Chinneeq, ZMM, King's wife, laundryamah, mom2ashley, Annie Q, aawilliam, Sasha Tan, Sasha Tan, Mumsgather, Vien, Tracy, Twin, Share
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
JealousyEver since Little Skywalker was born three years ago, he is more attached to J as compared to me. It was helped by the fact that he was breastfed for over two years. I rarely get much one-on-one with him except on Saturday mornings when J is working while I am not. I would made sure that we spent those few precious hours as fun as possible.
Another factor that Little Skywalker is more attached to his mother might be the fact that I am always the bad cop in the house. It's almost impossible to get J to raise her voice over her son. However, her condition has improved recently due to the arrival of our second son. At least now, she will raise her voice (after mine) when Little Skywalker refused to sleep at night. Unfortunately, my voice is still louder than hers :(
Since the arrival of our second baby, Little Skywalker has been showing signs of jealousy over his little brother. Although he hides it well, we could still sense that he is uneasy of being out of the spotlight of his mother. This turn of event actually worked towards my favour as Little Skywalker will come to me more often now :P
Sometimes, a little jealousy helps!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/03/2007 08:15:00 AM :: and invited 6 Blah(s):

6 Blah(s) by: Jess, Mumsgather, ZMM, etceteramommy, Annie Q, Sasha Tan, Share