Little Luke "Skywalker"

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


可怜的老婆还必须上班, 还好是半天, 要不就需要拿假了... 大概四点多, 大夥儿就一起出发到 Bukit Jalil 叔叔的独立式家去了. 今年还是第一次在他家团圆饭, 往年都是在我父母的家. 可能是因为他即将要把房子买掉了吧 (对! 他是炒地产之一)...
女的家庭成员都在厨房里七手八脚, 而男的则忙看小孩. 所幸小天行者在我们抵达目的地之前就已经车里睡着了, 我的工作也就减轻了很多...
我们的团圆饭菜单自我懂事以来都没什么更改, 而且一年只吃那么一次, 想要多都没有. 可能是因为那种菜单需要很多手脚来准备吧! 人工春卷, 海参鸡脚, 烧肉, 人工豆腐圆+猪肚汤 (今年还加了鲍鱼), 白斩鸡等, 都是例牌的...
小天行者在吃饭时, 还拿着相机向大家猛闪大光灯! 非常热闹!

由於懒惰来回驾驶, 我们在叔叔家打地铺了一夜. 早上起来, 梳洗一番过后, 大家就开始交换红包. 今年, 小天行者就负责代表我们颁发红包给家人. 别看他人小小, 从他手上拿红包的人还会被赠一句“恭喜发财” 呢!
过后的一整天, 我们都懒散地在看电视节目, 吃零食, 喝汽水, 谈天说地.
小天行者还不懂从哪里学会拨甘皮, 忙着拨甘来逼大家吃.

年初二 - 年初六
天还没亮, 我们两夫妻就起床收拾行李上车, 浩浩荡荡地往新山(外家)出发了. 一路上的交通情况都非常顺畅, 而小天行者也乖乖地在车上睡觉. 途中, 我们还到Jesslyn家拜年呢(也逼她请我们吃早餐)!
过后的几天, 我们都在岳父岳母家吃喝玩乐...


Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/28/2007 06:58:00 AM :: and invited 6 Blah(s):

6 Blah(s) by: Blogger Sasha Tan, Blogger Jess, Blogger Annie Q, Blogger Shannon, Blogger Jessie Woo, Blogger Allyfeel,

Blah Something...


Friday, February 16, 2007

Happy Oink Oink Year!

As we usher in the year of the Pig, me and my family would like to wish everyone:

Happy Chinese New Year!
Gong Xi Fat Cai!



Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/16/2007 08:42:00 AM :: and invited 9 Blah(s):

9 Blah(s) by: Blogger Jess, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Papi, Blogger Sasha Tan, Blogger Contented Mum, Blogger jazzmint, Blogger Linda, Blogger Bkworm, Blogger Allyfeel,

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

CNY Preparations

Of all the preparation "work" towards Chinese New Year, my favourite would be inserting money into the red packets. Every year, J would exchange new notes through her office boy. Thanks to her, my family members do not have to queue up at the banks in order to get a hold of those freshly printed notes. I know money is money, but it's a nice feeling stuffing new notes into the Ang Pow instead of some old, crumbled up and dirty notes. After all, it's only once a year!

Last night, we spend a couple of hours preparing the red packets that we will give out during CNY. As usual, I already have a list of people that will be receiving the BIG ones, namely the senior members in the family. We give the BIG ones on the eve of CNY so that it does not go against with the Chinese culture of giving Ang Pow only to those younger and single ones throughout CNY. It's just our way of expressing our gratitude to our elders. Without them and their hard work, there will be no us.

Little Skywalker wanted to help in the packing of red packets. He finally got the hang of doing after a few tries where he crumbled up a few new notes. He got bored after a while and was disappointed with the fact that he did not get to put any sweets into the Ang Pow! It was only after we finished packing that it dawned on me that we forgot to prepare the Ang Pow for our own son! Well, since he only demanded sweets in his Ang Pow, we might as well fulfill his wishes.

Since two years ago, my family has been celebrating CNY in KL. I still dread for the days where we would travel back to my hometown on the eve of CNY and spend a few days there. Due to the increasing size of the family as well as the inconvenience of travelling (not to mention the rising fuel cost), it was decided that we do it in KL instead.

This year, we will be having our reunion dinner at my uncle's place at Bukit Jalil. Everyone will probably spend the one or two nights there. It's a warmth feeling waking up to everyone that is closely related to you. I guess this is what CNY is really about. It's not about the red packets (this does not apply to children) or the fact that we do not have to go to work. It's about the gathering of each and every family member. I think this goes for all the other festivals that we celebrate as well.

We will be travelling to JB on the second day of CNY to my in-laws. On the way, we might drop by Jesslyn's place if she is available. We will be spending a few days in JB and be back in KL on Friday evening. Our plan will give us at least two days of rest before we get back to work again.

How are you with your CNY preparations?

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/15/2007 08:45:00 AM :: and invited 9 Blah(s):

9 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Jess, Blogger Papi, Blogger Contented Mum, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger jazzmint, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Linda, Blogger Allyfeel,

Blah Something...


Wednesday, February 14, 2007


According to Wikipedia...
Love is any of a number of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection or profound oneness.

Personally, flowers or chocolates on one particular day of the year do not really send a loving message across. I would prefer to express my love through everyday life like helping out in house chores or be the last one to sleep in order to make sure everyone have their blankets on. Love does not end with words; it's the action that counts. Having said that, it doesn't hurt to send some roses and chocolates on this particular day of the year to express your love :P

For us, I think we are enjoying the fruit of our love just by looking at our Little Valentine everyday...

Happy Valentine's Day to my dear J, and to everyone!!

p/s: I can't help feeling a sense of inner peace to see him sit down quietly (which is very rare) in front of me.

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/14/2007 08:27:00 AM :: and invited 11 Blah(s):

11 Blah(s) by: Blogger LHS, Blogger jazzmint, Blogger Sasha Tan, Blogger geeth, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Mumsgather, Blogger Mae, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Linda, Blogger shoppingmum, Blogger Jessie Woo,

Blah Something...


Friday, February 09, 2007

It's a Bird!

That was what I said (in my mind) when the radiographer pointed her ultrasound sensor to the genital part of our coming second child at UMMC yesterday...

Yes, I went with J for her first checkup at UMMC yesterday. Actually it wasn't really a checkup, it's just a comprehensive ultrasound scan before her actual checkup next Monday. The entire scan lasted almost 20 minutes. The radiographer was very kind and professional indeed! She took the time to point out every part of the little fetus, the head, the hands and feet, the beating heart and the fact that his eyes are opened. We can even see the shape of his little penis through the high resolution scan!

One funny thing the radiographer did was she tried to press her arm against J's tummy to stimulate our baby. As a result, the little fella actually waved his hand in response, which was evident on the screen. "Tengok! Dah tahu bergerak pun...", was what she commented. J and I were both ecstatic and amused looking at the screen.

So? Yes, our second baby is a boy! Although we would love to have a daughter and close shop, but we are still very happy to know the gender of the baby. Bringing up our active and naughty Little Skywalker can be a tough job sometimes. But if we have to go through it again (except the post-delivery trauma), we would be happy to do it all over!

And now we are staring at the chance...

p/s: Sorry to all the Leia fans out there :P

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/09/2007 08:47:00 AM :: and invited 19 Blah(s):

19 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Jess, Blogger mommy of 3 angels, Blogger Jason Lioh, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger geeth, Blogger Jessie Woo, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger jazzmint, Blogger Papi, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Ms Fair Face, Blogger Sasha Tan, Blogger michelle@mybabybay, Blogger Irene, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger Annie Q, Blogger LHS, Blogger ZMM,

Blah Something...


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Notes From Venus

Since majority (based on the comments) readers of this site are from Venus, I am pleased to recommend all of you to pay a visit to newly launched site - Notes From Venus. Notes From Venus is a blog/site dedicated to women of all corners of life. As you can see from their theme "Where Every Women Has Her Story", you are welcomed to contribute articles to the site with the editor's help.

Go sign up now!

p/s: I have helped to set up the site and have also submitted a few of your names (you know who) to the editor. Please do me a big favour by adding a link to the site to help increase their traffic :)

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/08/2007 08:11:00 AM :: and invited 1 Blah(s):

1 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous,

Blah Something...


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Back On His Harley!

Finally, Little Skywalker went back on his bike that he abandoned for more than a year due to unknown fear. We have tried many times to convince him to ride the bike before its made-in-china quality expires but to no avail.

Last night, while we were half way through Finding Nemo, he went to his bike suddenly and started riding it around our empty living room. Amazingly, he knows how to steer his way out of obstacles! He has yet to master the forward-reverse button, but still, he knows what to press when we asked him to "reverse".

Of course, he gets over-exited or distracted sometimes and bumped into the sofa. On two occasions, he even fell (along with his bike) to his side. We found out the cause later, that he was standing on his bike while he was turning. The bike could not withstand his weight (not to mention his stunt) and over-turned. LOL! But that did not stop him from continue riding like a MAN!

After riding for some time, he started to call himself postman and started delivering "letters" stuffed in the compartment behind his bike.

At the end of his ride, he did not forget to do some maintenance and repair work to his precious "Harley"...

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/07/2007 08:25:00 AM :: and invited 6 Blah(s):

6 Blah(s) by: Blogger Tracy, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Sasha Tan, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger Irene, Blogger ZMM,

Blah Something...


Monday, February 05, 2007

The Geek Order

Since we got our notebook, Little Skywalker has been very busy "working" with it whenever he got the chance. The notebook came with some pre-installed 60 minutes trial games, which I have managed to crack a few of his (and our) favourite ones. His current favourite is Cake Mania, a game that requires him only to use the mouse to point and click.

The other "game" he likes is the Microsoft Paint program. Although he is not an artist material (no thanks to both his non-creative parents), he still likes to pick a color and draw lines frantically on the screen. Yesterday, he was introduced to more new games on Sesame Street website (thanks to Mumsgather).

Just look at how well his fingers are positioned on the mouse and tell me he won't follow his father's footsteps towards the Geek Order...

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 2/05/2007 06:55:00 AM :: and invited 14 Blah(s):

14 Blah(s) by: Blogger Jason Lioh, Blogger Sasha Tan, Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Buaya69, Blogger jazzmint, Blogger shoppingmum, Blogger meiyi, Blogger raynx, Blogger Contented Mum, Blogger 1+2mom, Blogger Tracy, Blogger Allyfeel, Blogger ZMM,

Blah Something...
