Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tell Story Only
J: See? Pinocchio's nose is so long!
L: Why ah?
J: Because he tell lie lor...
L: Tell lie ah?
J: Yeah lor... do you like to tell lie? Your nose also will become long long one...
L: No ah! I no tell lie... I tell story only mah!
And the laughter broke out in the room... with Little Skywalker having no idea why his parents were laughing.
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 11/30/2006 08:21:00 AM :: and invited 12 Blah(s):

12 Blah(s) by: Annie, Annie, Egghead, , , , Annie, , , , sqkiki, , Share
Monday, November 27, 2006
Bali - FarewellOn the last day of our trip, we did not do much except to go jalan-jalan for some last minute shopping. We only bought very little souveniors from the shops. Ironically, we spent most our money on the hotel's souvenior shop. Both J and I got ourselves a piece of shirt (guess what colour?) and a pair of cups (guess what color again?)...
The bus left for the airport around 5pm. On the way there, everyone was telling us about what we missed out the day before when we opt out of the tour. The tour guide took them to visit Tanah Lot and the beautiful Nusa Dua beach where they enjoyed some beach activities.
Little Skywalker slept in the bus, and only woke up when we had our dinner at the airport. The flight home was smooth and we even arrived at the airport 30 minutes ahead of schedule!
More on our Bali trip:
The Airport
Monkey Business
Beach Band
The Orange Hotel
Day Trip
Free and Not-So-Easy
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 11/27/2006 03:56:00 PM :: and invited 9 Blah(s):

9 Blah(s) by: , Egghead, , ZMM, , , , Egghead, , Share
Friday, November 24, 2006
Bali - Free and Not-So-EasyWe decided to skip the tour on the third day and adjust the sightseeing to our own pace. After having our breakfast, we went into the swimming pool. This was the first time Little Skywalker get to experience his favourite activity! There just wasn't any time left in first two days for him. Understandably, he enjoyed himself thoroughly!
After he wore himself out, we went back to the room for a short nap before walking to the nearest McDonald's to have our lunch. As you can see, he was the one paying :P
After our lunch, we went for a little stroll along the beach. During our walk, we could see some horse carts parked alongside the road next to the Kuta beach, ready to take tourist on a sight-seeing tour. We decided to skip that as well...
At the beach, we could see many locals ready to rent out all kinds of surfing equipment and services. In fact, you can't walk for 100 meters without someone coming up to you and asking you to buy/rent something.
As for Little Skywalker, he could barely notice anything but the soft sand. He was digging and playing with his bare hands and got sand all over his face and shirt. Since the weather was hot and humid, we did not stayed too long. We walked back to our hotel to enjoy the air condition instead.
Come evening time, J and Little Skywalker went into the pool again! However, he was a little bit different. He insisted to take off his hand floats. Knowing his stubbornness, I decided to let him experience swimming without floats. Putting up a brave face, he ran to the edge of the pool and jumped into the water! J carried him up two seconds later.
After drinking some pool water, he asked us to put his floats back...
We had a date with a couple of friends (whom opted out of the tour too) to go jalan-jalan as well as dinner. We walked all the way to the famous Legian Street, which is about 1km away. We had our dinner at Made's Warong, which is famous for their Babi Guling. Unfortunately, we were told that the dish needs to be pre-ordered at least one day in advanced.
We could see many restaurant and merchandize outlets alongside the Legian Street. The most common of them are the Polo (both Polo and Polo Ralph Lauren) shops. Other shops were selling Balinese lace, sculptures, "original copies" of DVDs, body tattoos, sports and surfing equipments etc. One of the beach wear shops even used human models instead of mannequins behind the glasses of their storefront!
Oh yeah! Did I forget to mention? Legian Street is also the one of the locations where the Bali bombing took place a year go! We paid a visit to the memorial shrine that was erected on one of the bomb site. Another bomb site (which is opposite each other) was left the way as a reminder to the horrific event that brought Bali's economy to such a sad state, not forgetting the sacrificed human lives!
It took another 15 minutes for us to walk back to the hotel after that. Well, at least we were satisfied with pace of the day...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 11/24/2006 10:03:00 AM :: and invited 7 Blah(s):

7 Blah(s) by: ZMM, Sebastian's mommy, sqkiki, Selba, , Sasha Tan, , Share
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Bali - Day TripAfter the tiring first day tour, we thought of skipping the tour from second day onwards. But, we decided to give the tour guide another chance since she promised to reduce visits to temples.
We were given a morning call at 7.30am. We then dragged our sleepy asses down the hotel restaurant for a buffet breakfast. The bus left at 8.45am sharp. We were brought to a temple-like theatre set to watch a local cultural show, which we could hardly understand what was spoken. Little Skywalker was quite intrigued with the all the different weird and funny characters of the story.
After the show, we proceeded to a nearby batik factory/shop. The staff there can even paint batik pattern on the clothes you are wearing for a fee.
For lunch, we had to travel more than one hour to Kintamani, where an active volcano (Mt. Batur) is located. The restaurant was located high up in mountain. The temperature was close to Genting Highlands. Unfortunately, the air is quite polluted with the dust from the dark ashes flowing out of the active volcano.
After lunch, everyone were "harassed" by peddlers trying to sell local souveniors. It was sad to see people exploited children in their desperate attempt to make money.
We stopped by a few souvenior shops on the way back. For most of the stops, J and I were sleeping in the bus together with Little Skywalker. At one of the shop that was selling wood crafts, I saw an item that would draw the interest of all mommies. Unfortunately, it was too big to transport back.
Later, we arrived at the Tampaksiring holy spring temple. Lucky us, there were no monkeys around there to steal our stuffs. We saw many locals praying and bathing in a huge pond, which were filled with holy spring water.
As for us, we just lepak around and taking pictures as we went along.
Due to the fact that the temple is a tourist spot, we were led to a street filled with souvenior stalls on the way to the exit. Again, we were being asked from left and right to buy this, buy that.
After dinner (all spicy meal again!), we went back to the hotel, all exhausted and sleepy... again.
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 11/22/2006 10:00:00 AM :: and invited 6 Blah(s):

6 Blah(s) by: , sqkiki, , , , , Share