Little Luke "Skywalker"

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Yam Seng 2 - KL (Part 1)

After our exhaustive to-and-fro trip to Gopeng the day before, we slept through the night like a log. If not for the wake-up call from my parents' place that reminded us to go over to help out, we would have slept through the entire wedding ceremony. We dragged our sleepy ass off the bed and took a bath to freshen ourselves before heading over to my parents' place.

We could see that everyone was busy doing some last minute preparation for the ceremony. My job was to buy some ice from seven-eleven as well as driving back to my house for a nice Japanese style teapot and cups for the tea-serving (敬茶) ceremony. Did I mention that my parents' place was repainted before the wedding? The job was done by none other than my father with a bit of help from my brothers and sisters. My creative little sister even painted some drawing on one of the wall to lighten up the house.

The wedding entourage arrived slightly pass noon. Funny thing, the "wedding car" had to park 100m from the house for 10 minutes in order to wait for the rest of the entourage to arrive before announcing their grand arrival with their loud car horns. The bride and groom also had to wait in the car for five minutes before the designated door-boy (my little brother) remembered to open the door for them.

As usual, the door-boy received a big fat ang-pow from the groom for the "amazing task" that he performed. They also posed in front of the camera so that I could capture some proof that the ang-pow was indeed given and received. Everyone was ushered into the house for some food, drinks and not forgetting, a well deserved rest after a similar tea-serving ceremony in the morning at Gopeng and traveling for almost two hours back to KL.

After some rest, the bride and groom continued their "mission" by first standing in front of our catholic altar where the groom said a prayer (silently of course) for blessings from the ONE above. Then, they proceeded to our ancestors' altar (祖先神主牌) to burn some incense (上香), so that our ancestors can also witness our newly added member of our family.

Right after that came the biggest and longest ceremony of all, the tea-serving thingy. This is also where a huge sum of cash changed hands. To my calculation, if these money were to be taken into account in our taxes, then our nation's economy will be given a giant boost by weddings alone! This was also when J and I drank the most expensive four cups of Chinese tea in our lives! I guess there is a price to pay for our "promotion" huh? But come to think of it, weren't we the same one who slashed the necks of all our relatives a few years back? LOL!

After the couple served tea to the elders (长辈) and getting their pockets full, it was their turn to bleed instead. The couple will be served tea by everyone younger than them instead. The other star of the day, Little Skywalker was the last one to walk up to the lucky couple in order receive his little red packets. He didn't even need to serve any tea to get them! Lucky him!

When the little "tea party" ended, we proceeded to the bedroom where Little Skywalker took the centre stage. He has two major tasks ahead of him then. The first one was the traditional "breaking of the potty" thingy where he had to "punch" through the red paper that was wrapped on top a little potty and take out whatever stuff that were in it (including another red packet of course). He had no problems roughing through that thin layer of paper with all his usual destructive skills.

The second stunt that he had to perform was to jump on the couple's bed in order to bring babies luck to the newly-wed couple. Little Skywalker was quite reluctant to jump on the bed, given the fact that he has not quite learnt how to jump yet. However, he did tried to imitate a jumping action by raising both his arms in the air and bending his legs a bit. After that, he was distracted by a box of Ferrero Rocher that was placed on the bed instead.

We ended the afternoon by taking a few family photo (全家福) in front of our house (don't we all look alike). After that, everyone took a break before another round of yam seng in the evening.

to be continued...

p/s: Yes, I am back! Sorry for being MIA for the past few days as I was worked till death by my boss's last minute thingy...

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 1/05/2006 09:24:00 AM :: and invited 10 Blah(s):

10 Blah(s) by: Blogger jazzmint, Blogger VP, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Jess, Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Babysmooches, Blogger ZMM, Blogger Tracy, Blogger Sue, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...
