Friday, June 20, 2008
One PartyI can still remember when I started this blog after we celebrated Little Skywalker's first birthday three years ago. How time flies! We celebrated Little Sean's first birthday two weeks ago at a Korean restaurant. We didn't invited anyone because it was only a small family dinner. The most notable absentee was Little Skywalker as he was staying with my in-laws in JB for two weeks.
Some pictures from the party...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 6/20/2008 08:30:00 AM :: and invited 7 Blah(s):

7 Blah(s) by: Sue, Sasha Tan, jazzmint, Lazymama, chanelwong, Y-ling, mom2ashley, Share
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Friso-ing My Boys!
For Little Skywalker, it was very easy as he didn’t drink much milk anyway in his daily diet, only once in the morning and once before he goes to bed at night. All we did was substituted his milk powder from day one and that was it. To our surprise, he liked it more than his previous milk powder. In less than 2 weeks, more than half the tin has already gone. He likes to mix it with his cornflakes in the morning and with some cereals at night. He had become a Friso Boy from day one!
For Little Sean, we were quite cautious as he was having quite a bit of diarrhea on his old formula for the past one month. His pediatrician recommended some lactose-free formula to him for a few weeks until his condition blows over. After that, we try to switch him to Friso Gold 3 slowly. Since he is always a hungry boy, we manage to switch him over in less than 1 week. He has been on it ever since!
For other parents, we recommend the following guideline to Friso-rise your kids:

- Continue regular feeding with current milk formula for 1st, 2nd and 4th feed
- Use Friso Gold with Frisoshield for the 3rd feed
- Continue regular feeding with current milk formula for 1st and 4th feed
- Use Friso Gold with Frisoshield for the 2nd & 3rd feed
- Continue regular feeding with current milk formula for 1st feed only
- Use Friso Gold with Frisoshield for the 2nd , 3rd & 4th feed
- Friso Gold with Frisoshield should be your child’s favourite milk by now!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 6/17/2008 09:11:00 AM :: and invited 1 Blah(s):

1 Blah(s) by: Bkworm, Share
Friday, June 13, 2008
She is... errr... Not One!Today marks another major milestone for J!
p/s: mine is coming up in two days... LOL!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 6/13/2008 08:17:00 AM :: and invited 7 Blah(s):

7 Blah(s) by: Sue, Sue, Mumsgather, Sasha Tan, Shannon, Chinneeq, chanelwong, Share
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
He is One!Little Sean has officially achieved his one year old milestone today!
Happy Birthday boy!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 6/10/2008 08:51:00 AM :: and invited 12 Blah(s):

12 Blah(s) by: chanelwong, Sue, michelle@mybabybay, Vien, Vien, Sasha Tan, LHS, Shannon, classyadele, jazzmint, LittleLamb, 2xMum, Share
Monday, June 09, 2008
What probably happened in the meeting... (Part 2)Continued from Part 1...
(after the two hours tea break)
Whoi! Don't so fast balik first ah! Let's finish this quickly before all the food starts to get to my head and make me yawn... (yawn!)
Need me to ring the bell? It's like parliament all over again...
(As everyone took their time to sit comfortably)
So how? Should we take a vote on who should be the kamikaze fella? I nominate...
(before Dora could finish his N word) I nominate the President! Oops... I forgot this is an UMNO meeting... I mean the PM cum Finance Minister!
I second! Everyone who agree say aye!
Everyone (except Taih):
It's settled then!
Err... I guess so... sigh!
OKOK... how are we going about this RM2.70 thing? We slowly raise it up starting from August?
(yawn)... Err... you asking me? I have no idea wor... I fell asleep half way when Keejay was hypnotizing me... he is a real talker you know?
No lah! I think we do it in one go lah! Raising it slowly will only hurt our "reputation" many times over... Why can't we take the damage at one go?
Furthermore, since Dora is taking the fall this time... I don't wanna be voted to do the next round leh! What do you think?
OK good... we reached a consensus! So we will do this August 1st? or July 31st? Dora, you wanna call your Feng Shui master for a date?
Screw him lah! That idiot suggested the date for GE12 and look what happened? I already ask Najeeb to send his C4 Mat Rempit gang to make him disappear!
Whoi! What the hell! You big blabber mouth! Had to drag me into this ah? Later my wife heard about this and thought I am gay how?
Aiks... my bad... OKOK... Eh Rice! Strike that off our minutes ah!
Aye Sir!
I don't wanna do this in August lah... I wanna go on another honeymoon with Gene in August! Can we do it today? I have the rest of the day cleared for this meeting...
Apa ni... I already inform the press that there won't be any hike today leh!
Aiyor... you so stupid one... you said no hike today mah... Dora can announce the hike starts tomorrow 12am lor... so technically you are not wrong lor :P
Well... true also... whatever lah!
Great! Can't wait to tell Gene and my pilot about our trip to the Bahamas in August!
What should tomorrow headlines be ah? I think I should probably do my Starbucks stunt again... this is going to be bad press leh...
Don't worry lah... we have this rehearsal a few times already since I took office... right guys?
Yeap! My tag line will be "Change your lifestyle!"
Mine will be "Saving of so much so much billions for gaoment" and "Everyone shouldn't increase their price of anything" crap...
I will make sure our FRU troops are ready for action!
I'll try to confuse the Chinese that they are rich enough to afford such a minor hike...
(handphone rings) Shhh! Keejay is on the phone!
(talking to Keejay on the phone) What? OKOK... I am sure you are right as usual... remember to tell your mother-in-law that my plan to Bahamas is going on smoothly! Bye! (hangs up)
Eh guys! Keejay say in addition to the petrol thing... TNB also will be allowed to raise their tariff wor! And we will be giving back RM625 as a rebate to car owners wor!
Wah lao eh! We announce this today also?
Shhh! What Keejay wants... Keejay gets... OK? His wish is our command! Long live Keejay and Co.!
Long live Keeyjay and Co.!
Yeah lah! If we don't do this today... I might not remember next time leh!
Can I announce that we "might" lower the road tax as well in our next budget?
Sure! But make sure you emphasize the word "MIGHT" ah! Don't mistakenly say "WILL"! Otherwise, it's coming out of your pocket!
OKOK... I will remember one! Don't worry...
Like that... can I say we "MIGHT" lower the highway tolls as well? Can I? Can I?
That's not a bad idea! You are thinking a lot like our old friend Sami already! You have a good future ahead!
I will inform the women that higher petrol price will keep their our husbands from driving to see their mistress... that it is not economically feasible to have extra-marital affairs anymore!
Creative thinking leh?
Good thinking! That'll get my wife off my back for sure!
I will make sure the bus and taxi drivers cannot raise their price... and threaten to withdraw their license!
Good! Use of threat! I like it!
What about our friends from Singapore and Thailand leh? They are important to my ministry leh!
Yeah lor! People back in JB are complaining to me leh! They say if we don't sell petrol to Singaporean cars... most of them have to close down leh!
Yeah lor... Mr Lee has called me a few times liao! Like this lah... we reverse the ban lah! Since the price already increase... OK? Keejay and I still wanna play golf in Singapore one leh!
It's settled then... can we stop here now? I am getting sleepy already (yawn)... Let's start the press conference before I really my serious yawning and eyes-closing exercise...
The rest, is like what they say, is history...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 6/09/2008 09:19:00 AM :: and invited 1 Blah(s):

1 Blah(s) by: Vien, Share
Friday, June 06, 2008
What probably happened in the meeting... (Part 1)Since there is not much benefit in complaining about the latest fuel hike, I might as well MAKE UP something to cheer you up. But who knows? It could well be true, given the quality of our cabinet members :P
Mari mari... duduk duduk... everyone had their makan and minum outside already?
(All the kenyang and sleepy ministers walked slowly to their own uSpace...)
(15 minutes later) OKOK... so how? Whose turn is it to kamikaze with this RM2.70 thing?
(Total silence... followed by some soft whipspering)
RM2.70? Apa tu? Why are we here again?
The new petrol price lah... apa ni? Makan terlalu banyak kah?
Oooo... yeah yeah... why RM2.70? not RM4? or RM2? Shouldn't we discuss this first?
Aiyor... you guys seriously think that we got time to "discuss" or "debate" this ah?
Keejay already finished his "research" last December and came out with this number already lah... but becoz my Feng Shui master told me to hold GE12 on March... so cannot raise then lah!
Ooooo... if Keejay think is correct... then I think should be correct lah... I am sure Oxford, or is it Harvard, won't make a mistake one mah!
(followed by loud Ayes from the rest of the "crowd")
Aiyor... who cares what is the magic number lah... you guys mia petrol all claim from gaoment one... so apa pasal bissing ni?
ya hor... true also... okok... then what is this kamikaze thing you tokking about?
Kamikaze also dunno ah? cannot blame you also... you long time not in cabinet liao... can someone explain it to him?
Kamikaze means breaking the freaking bad news to the press lah! Lidat also dunno, sigh! My brother told me he needs to do that quite often for the past few years!
Ooooo... icic... then of course not me lah... I just came back to the cabinet! Some more I am from JB leh... so close to Singapore... later our neighbour PM will invite me for yam cha leh!
Aiyah... like this lah... whose department is overseeing this anyway?
Should be finance gua... since it's a money matter... you are finance minister wor... you dunno anything about this one meh?
Aiyor, you know me lah... I let the boys handle things while I fly on my new plane for "meetings"... where got time? So, Yakup... how? Are you going to take one for the team? Kamikaze wor!
Errr... if I go down, who is going to "help" you in your taxes?
Hmmm... true also... TeaKeat? What about you? Since it's transport related anyway...
Errr... technically, I can do it... but I think it will reflect badly on you guys gua... I mean since this is a major gaoment decision... it should be announced by someone from UmmLoh gua :P
You want me to waive my "sword" again while he breaks the news? It will look as if we are well prepared... then the news people sure dun dare to ask many questions one!
Wah lau eh... you kidding ah? Everytime you do stunt like this... I have to invite all the editor-in-chiefs to Starbucks leh... you think I veli the rich ah?
Najeeb, what about you? LOL!
Yeah right! Over my dead body! If I do this, I will never take over as PM lah!
That's the idea mah... no lah... just kidding :P
Let me do it lah... I willing to take the fall for UmmLoh... if you give me at least a VP in December!
You sure or not? This is major press conference leh! A lot of foreign media will be there... I am sure Australia also will send some people... since you promised them that "you no speak-o inglis"... how you going to handle the Q&A session?
I don't think I can risk it! I still need you to jaga my family's properties in Aussie leh!
Taib: I can say my children teached me yesterday mah... cannot meh?
(Everyone laughs while they break for tea for two hours)
Continue reading in Part 2...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 6/06/2008 10:28:00 AM :: and invited 1 Blah(s):

1 Blah(s) by: Annie Q, Share
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Three Boys!
We have also grown tired of telling people "We have no idea" every time they asked whether it's a boy or a girl.
About 10 minutes ago, I received an SMS from J that reads "You can start thinking for boy name". So there, everyone can stop betting and give me 50% of their winnings... LOL!
p/s: proposal for the baby's name (english and chinese) is officially open!
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 6/04/2008 09:10:00 AM :: and invited 13 Blah(s):

13 Blah(s) by: Sue, Jules, Jess, michelle@mybabybay, jazzmint, Vien, Sasha Tan, geeth, LHS, Ms One Boobie , Think big.................., chanelwong, Debbie Y, Share