Little Luke "Skywalker"

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tagging Is Back!

Just when I thought that meme is a thing of the past (the last one I did was in April), mana tau kena one from Julian pulak!

Are you happy/satisfied with your blog, with its content and look? Does your family know about your blog?
Not to say completely satisfied, but I wished I could have read through my writing a second time before posting it up (will probably do it one fine day). My blog is more or less the only way that my family and extended family gets to see pictures of my son as I am too stingy to develop the few thousands photos that I took of him since birth, so Yes!

Do you feel embarrassed to let your friends know about your blog or you just consider it as a private thing?
What's there to be embarrassed about, it's not as if I am living a lie or something :P

Did blogs cause positive changes in your thoughts?
I guess so, the more I blog, the more I want to do more exciting stuff just so I can blog about it.

Do you only open the blogs of those who comment on your blog or you love to go and discover more by yourself?
Reading and replying your comments is one of the great things to do in office!

What does visitors counter mean to you? Do you care about putting it in your blog?
Hmmm... I love numbers! I just like to see the numbers to maintained at a certain level. It sorta motivates me :)

Did you try to imagine your fellow bloggers and give them real pictures?
I normally ask for actual photos of them if I want to know them better.

Admit. Do you think there is a real benefit for blogging?
If there's none, why else do I continue doing it?

Do you think that bloggers society is isolated from real world or interacts with events?
I bet you think otherwise with all the pictures I have taken.

Does criticism annoy you or do you feel it’s a normal thing?
It's normal, but it also kinda annoys me :P

Do you fear some political blogs and avoid them?
I used to own a social commentary blog myself, and I read more than a dozen of them daily!

Did you get shocked by the arrest of some bloggers?
Only cowards and liars go arrest bloggers!

Did you think about what will happen to your blog after you die?
My wife or my son will probably enter the last entry (a eulogy perhaps) in my blog, if they know the password that is.

What do you like to hear? Whats the song you might like to put a link to in your blog?
No song as I prefer to read other blogs without any distractions.

Too sleepy to tag anyone else, but would probably like to see Twinsmom's Chinese version of this tag though...

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 10/31/2006 08:40:00 AM :: and invited 2 Blah(s):

2 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous, Anonymous Anonymous,

Blah Something...
