Thursday, August 11, 2005
Of Haze... Mask... and StarwarsEveryone in the office is crazy about the haze. Since we have close access to surgical masks used by surgeons when they perform surgery, everyone got themselves at least two or three.
I was quite reluctant to wear any mask when I go out for lunch as it is quite troublesome. Nevertheless, I kept one myself just in case.
The mask made me wonder what kind of mask should I get for Little Skywalker in order to protect him from the crazy haze... below are various choices available to me (Click on picture to see larger image)
Don't think he can take the weight on his little neck...
Look like a big old tin can on his head... so, NO!
This is nice... but too white (easily dirty)... and he probably have to take it off when he speaks...
Definitely THIS ONE! Comes with oxygen supply, tinted glass, helmet, black and shiny... only one word... COOL!!
I am off to town to find the mask cum helmet for him in while. Hopefully I don't choke to death on the way.
Wish me luck!!
p/s: Why can't Jedi wear mask instead of the lousy cape??
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 8/11/2005 03:00:00 PM :: and invited 1 Blah(s):
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