Little Luke "Skywalker"

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Will Be Dying On...

May 18th, 2071 (Thursday)

After reading Lilian's recent post, I've decided to calculate when I will die. As you can see, I won't be dead for another 66 years or so. That is not the worst part, I've asked J to calculate hers and it turned out, I will be living old and alone for 14 years without her by my side. After some tweaking to the parameters (from Normal to Optimistic), J will still leave me alone for at least 3 years.

This is totally depressing!

I've always thought that life expectancy for men is shorter than women based on global statistics. Hence, I am very happy because I will leave sooner than J and hopefully everyone I know. I prefer to be the one in the coffin (touch wood!!) than the one giving the eulogy while holding my tears ( I am a pretty sentimental guy :P ).

I don't like the idea of living alone and I don't expect to live with my son or daughters after they are well pass 21. Hence, I will have no where to go but live alone in a big palace that I've built after years of hard work. Maybe my driver will live with me, and a butler maybe to take care of my old bones. A pretty private nurse would be nice, but she might kill me before it's time.

Talking about eulogy, I often wonder what will people say with me lying in front of them not able to shout back. Below is what I think Little Skywalker would say (since J will be ahead of me):
We gather here today to celebrate the life of Egghead, my father, as well as the beginnings of his new life with my mother, J in heaven.
He was a role model, a provider, hardworking and loving. Dad, you were a role model, one even certain professional basketball players would marvel at. You worked hard throughout your life to provide through sacrifice, a good home environment to your wife and everyone in the family for 68 years. You led through example, with your kick-ass attitude at work, as well as caring father and friend in the family.
His life-long work (cure to in-grown toe-nail maybe?) earned him three Nobel prizes as well as countless awards and recognition. I believe his achievements will benefits the future generations in the years to come.
He laughed and cried, yelled and praised, smiled and scowled. He ate and drank (non-alcohol of course). He bore pain.
These are just a few of the many things Egghead did in these 34,000 plus days here on earth, helping and touching the lives of many people, widely gaining friendship and respect. But the most important of his talents to me was being my daddy and my best friend.
I know the three Nobel prize thing is a bit of an exaggeration, but who knows? I might be able to buy myself a fake one. However, I certainly hope some doctors or scientist will come up with a cure for in-grown toe-nail very soon. I have been suffering from it (both toes!) for almost a year now since I do not want to have my nails removed. Sad story...

Come to think it, I still have a long life ahead of me. I do hope to spend every minute with J, Little Skywalker and everyone close to me. I hope someone (crazy) out there might write a bibliography about me after I am gone (with great help from this blog) so I will not be forgotten. I am no Mozart, Ghandi or Lincoln, but I certainly outperformed them in my own way.

Live life to the fullest!!

p/s: I am just writting this for no reason with hands on a wooden table. If God can grant me and J another few hundred years or so, I don't mind. No offence to the dead and those alive intended.

Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 8/10/2005 03:31:00 PM :: and invited 2 Blah(s):

2 Blah(s) by: Anonymous Anonymous, Blogger Egghead,

Blah Something...
