Sunday, July 12, 2009
Little Jack is ONE!Today, our Little Jack turns ONE!
- His character is similar to Little Luke
- He is very close to his grandfather than anyone else
- He rarely laugh (except if you give him a taste of your food)
- He starts walking at about 9 months (even before he can stand by himself)
- He put up a serious face all the time
- He is definitely not a pushover
- He likes to watch TV with Little Sean
- His favourite TV shows are Wiggles and Cars (The Movie)
- He dislike being wrapped up in his car-seat
- He is very prone to flu problems (this adds to his mother's guilt of only breast-feeding him six months)
- He enjoys going out in the stroller with his grandfather every evening
- and a million other things we love about him...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/12/2009 12:20:00 PM :: and invited 5 Blah(s):

5 Blah(s) by: chanelwong, Sasha Tan, michelle@mybabybay, Jess, Lizhen, Share
Monday, July 06, 2009
Little Luke is Five!Today, our Little Luke turns five!
- He has been the perfect son that anyone could have for the first three years, and a little more than naughty for the past two years.
- He is the smartest (and that includes the most cunning) among his siblings.
- He is always annoyed all the time.
- He learns quickly and therefore is easily bored.
- He likes to kick his younger brothers.
- He can never sit down quietly for more than 1 minute.
- He loves company and hates being alone.
- He is outgoing and likes socializing with people.
- He can always sense weakness in people (especially his parents).
- He takes his medicine with little persuasion.
- He never holds grudges.
- He is really really forgetful!
- He is very generous (he gives away his stationary to his classmates all the time)!
- He is the perfect type of Big Brother anyone can expect to protect his younger
and weakersiblings! - and a million other things we love about him...
Jotted down by Egghead :: at around 7/06/2009 10:15:00 AM :: and invited 3 Blah(s):

3 Blah(s) by: chanelwong, michelle@mybabybay, LHS, Share